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My woodturning club had a meeting last night and Keith Tompkins ( ) was the demonstrator. He talked about form and design and he is a fantastic teacher. I learned a more in that two hour span than I had from any other course that I have taken.

During the presentation he showed a demo piece that he believed "did not work" but I fell in love with it. I commented on how I thought that it was a terrific piece and when the demonstration was over we all had a chance to talk to him as we were cleaning up. I commented again how that piece just seemed to "grab" me and he gave it to me!

Even though it has no finish and has not been sanded I happen to think it's gorgeous. So, I now have a signed Keith Tompkins demo piece in my collection.

I'll try to post a picture tonight.
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Originally posted by Jarheaded

Hey Mudder, where is the turning club around here?

There are two in Connecticut.

Central Connecticut woodturners:

And the one I belong to that meets in Brookfield, the Nutmeg Woodturners:

Both clubs are really nice but they cater mostly to bowl turners and tend to look down on penturners. Their loss :D

I generally pick up a good tip or two from every meeting.
Scott, while they may look down at pen turners, that doesn't stop the place from selling pens in their shop. But I guess they aren't really part of the Center, they just meet there. They also have classes there on pen making. Thanks for the info.
There are two club challanges this year, one is a croquet ball and mallet and one is a pen
Originally posted by alamocdc

Okay, Scott, where are the pics?;)

Had an unforeseen complication last night, [V] I'll try to post it tonight.
Originally posted by gerryr

No pictures, didn't happen.[}:)]


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