New to turning and the site...interested in local friends/mentors

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Jan 1, 2014
Orange County, CA

I'm new to the pen turners forum, and am kind of overwhelmed by the main site...feeling shut out of the classifieds, for sure...but more on that in another post.

I'm also new to turning, pens/pencils seem like a great place to start. I figure my best bet for real, actual hands on contact might be in a more local source.

I own a Shopsmith (am waiting for my mandrel from Penn now) and some regular sized turning tools, have been working on wood-geared clocks recently and need a break, need to do something that happens more quickly for a while.

I can see there's not much activity here, but I know there are people in southern Ca on the main site. Thought I'd send a message to test the waters.

I'd be interested in meeting others nearby, to learn what I can from hands-on experience (watching others before I do something stupid). I'm in southern Orange County, Laguna Hills.

A group gathering might be nice, too, but I wouldn't have much to offer for a while!
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Welcome from northcentral PA.

This is a great site to learn about pen turning. There are great articles and pictorials as well some very generous people who are more than happy to share their techniques.
Thanks for the "welcome's", folks. It's good to know there are a few locals here...and friendly folks from all over.

Just wanted to say a quick thank youse to all.

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