New PSI Majestic Squire kit

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I got that catalog about 2 weeks ago and have been waiting for them to add them to their website . I can't wait . I love the looks of these and the low line versions come in Ti gold so price isn't too far out of line .
I just got the new Apollo Infinity kits and I think it looks like it will be a beautiful pen . It's based on the Apollo Elite but with a really nice CB and end band . It's basically a Churchill on steroids .
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With all the love for PSI around here , I don't think too many people care what they do :rolleyes::biggrin: That's ok by me , it means that they won't run out of stuff all the time :wink:. I would love to try a few of the cartridge pens they are selling , they look pretty nice , if they would stop selling out :rotfl:
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