New Member from Florida

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Jun 19, 2015
Akron, Ohio

I'm a new member and new turner located in beautiful South Georgia, er...I mean Jacksonville, Florida. (To me, the real Florida is in the Keys...)

Recently acquiring a shop/shed, I've started getting my tools needed to get the hobby off the ground and have a place that I can get it done. So far, I've gotten the air conditioning installed and putting the finishing touches on a custom workbench. Next is to get power run to the shed and I should be ready to begin getting started. I purchased the Penn State Lathe / Pen Turning everything assembled and waiting patiently on the budget to run power. However in true Jacksonville fashion, I'm currently running an extension cord from the house. :biggrin:

Once I get the hang of things, I'm also going to start crafting my own tobacco pipes as well. Being an avid pipe smoker (and not being able to smoke in the house) part of the reason for the shed is my area to do as I please. So, I'm really looking forward to my space to work and smoke in air conditioning.

I'm a network administrator by day, musician by night, and crafter in between the hours I'm not doing either of the other two.

Really looking forward to starting this up and I will be a frequent member / poster as I have questions I'm sure.

That's a little about me...if you want to know more, there must be Scotch involved. :drink:


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