Glad to hear you're doing better. I need a new knee, destoyed mine in a plane crash 13 years ago. I wonder what the life expectancy for the new models are now. Originally, I was told 15-20 years and being 55 now, was concerned about having to do it again someday. Let us know what they told you, because it's much newer than my info!
Listen, I've had a spinal fusion, 5 knee surgeries and pins put into a 42 separate fractured foot and can tell you that Physical Therapists are a lot like Lawyers. It's easy to hate 'em while they're twisting away on you, but when you look back on it, you're darn glad they were there! In a perfect world, we'd all have a full-time physical therapist on our team. I put them right up there with teachers, both in the sorry pay category and importance category. Do what they tell you, even when it seems freaking ludicrous. Which it will. The surgeon just hacks you up. PT's put you back together.
Best of luck from someone that really knows what your going through.