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Mar 30, 2012
Milton Keynes, UK
Hi Everyone,

I'm known as Chrome, and I'm in the UK... Milton Keynes to be precise. I'm 47 years young and in the process of retiring from my (already failing) business, in order to spend more time with my wife who is terminally ill and perhaps has only a few years left.

I've been building a little workshop in my garage for the last year using funds from kit I've sold and a few kind donations of equipment from my Dad who's getting too old and ill. Initially I was considering making electric guitars (a lifelong passion), but...

When picking up some wood at someones house he loaned a very small desktop lathe (which I broke and is now consigned to the bin) and I discovered an interest for turning. I was specifically drawn to penmaking and have now assembled most of what I need, as well as a large number of blanks (some bought some home-sawn). When my new lathe arrives (Record CL4) I intend to start producing pens on a regular basis. I'm also very interested in casting my own blanks and have also invested in a pressure pot.

So that's me... So far I've made 12 pens (until the late broke); all the dreaded slimline 7mm, here's the last three...


Cheers, Chrome
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your pens look great considering how many you have made!

Thanks very much for that! You have some very nice pens on your website too.

My philosophy or approach to pen making as well as anything else is fairly simple... With anything I undertake I don't rush in headlong (despite my enthusiasm); I research carefully. I study, watch, listen and learn as much as possible... I'm not afraid to experiment too, hopefully coming up with new and creative ideas (in my past professional work I'm known for it). I always try to keep my eye on the 'big picture', yet I concern myself with the detail, as I believe that if you lose sight of either one then any project or endevour is doomed to fail. :biggrin:

And an eye on the detail (with pens) I think will be critical :rolleyes:
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