New from Naperville, IL

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Jan 23, 2014
Naperville, IL
I'm fairly new to turning (December, 2013), and I wish someone had warned me how addictive this is! I'm up to 105 pens in 3 months and can't seem to stop. This may not approach a record, but it does have me up to my tuchas in pens.

I've tried a bunch of different kits and even started building using refills and tips from Papermate and Bic stick pens (moderate success). I also like to modify slimlines, since they're the least expensive kits.
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Welcome from your South West neighbor in Ottawa IL ! Yes it's a bit addictive, and you haven't even tried them all yet. lol
Welcome from Ohio. There will be a midwest6 penturners gathering MPG in Champaign, Ill. on April 11th and 12th. Its in your neighborhood so please attend. You will meet penturners from all over and also meet vendors you buy stuff from.
Welcome from Central Texas. I am suprised no one mentioned that we like pictures. Also we had a smiley that said like "no pictures, it didn't happen".
Check out the library if you haven't yet. Loads of info there.

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