New Forum Software - Discussion

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
I've started a topic where I'll post updated on the switch to new forum software. That topic is locked, but please feel free to discuss and ask questions here.
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Unfortunately I don't understand much of what you told us! [8D] Computer literacy is a bit limited from my end.

Anyway, thanks for all you do to keep this site going. I don't understand it, but I really do appreciate it!!!!!
When you know you don't know what you are talking about, it is best to agree with someone who does!!

(Yes, I just coined that!!)

The IAP is the easiest "thread" site I have ever encountered. IF you decide you need to change something, I will blindly follow, waiting for the light to emerge at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks for all you do!!!!!
vBulletin is great. I use it in the X-cart support forum. Snitz is very easy to use and I do not know if the help or options can be set in vBulletin to make photo attachments easier as well as links. It is assumed that you know these things in X-cart where this type of forum it would not be the same.

People will have a transition to go through but in the long run I think you will find the options, bells and whistles that vBulletin gives you will be well worth the initial frustrations.

I belong to a forum that uses vBulletin and I don't really like it. But from the admin side I've been told that vBulletin is much easier and I'll do what is necessary to adjust.

Anyone want to see what it looks like can find it here:
Mike and Jeff I have no idea what either one of you said, but if you lead me to water I will drink.
Originally posted by MLKWoodWorking:D

vBulletin is great. I use it in the X-cart support forum. Snitz is very easy to use and I do not know if the help or options can be set in vBulletin to make photo attachments easier as well as links. It is assumed that you know these things in X-cart where this type of forum it would not be the same.

People will have a transition to go through but in the long run I think you will find the options, bells and whistles that vBulletin gives you will be well worth the initial frustrations.

This sucker looks like it will power us into the 22nd century!
Most users ever online was 15,560

Threads: 262,383, Posts: 1,523,947, Members: 174,766, Active Members: 9,932

Like the rest, I'll adjust!
Originally posted by wdcav1952

Originally posted by 1JaredSchmidt

What do you mean exactly by software. Will it change this forum any?

Jared, as I understand it software is like underwear. Regular changes are needed for maximum performance. ;)

Which reminds me ..... I forgot to change them on Saturday night. [:I]
I'm sorry, but I'm very familiar with VBulletin and I do not like it. And be for warned, the search still sucks. But that is one mans opinion. Good luck on the migration.
Originally posted by 1JaredSchmidt

What do you mean exactly by software. Will it change this forum any?

Yes, it will change a lot and because of the software being more powerful, it will be more complicated.
Originally posted by great12b4ever

Jeff, just tell us what and when, and we will try to follow. If we can make life easier for you and save the IAP some money, then lets go for it.

This is a great big DITTO for me.
Originally posted by toolcrazy

I'm sorry, but I'm very familiar with VBulletin and I do not like it. And be for warned, the search still sucks. But that is one mans opinion. Good luck on the migration.
Well there's a vote of confidence ;)

Steve - what do you recommend? I have been evaluating this for 6 months and I thought I'd been pretty thorough about it. It seems to me to be the best option to get away from ASB/MSSQL. It has good granularity of admin functions, lots of built-ins, a great user community, commercial support, etc. Yes, it's more complicated for the user, but it has the stuff people want.

I still have time to change horses if there is something out there which is obviously better.

Not sure of the basis of your comment about vB searching -- There are some huge boards out there. Is your experience with vB using full text search not good? With the IAP database I am seeing sub 1/2 second searches with a reasonable boolean mix of keywords.

I like vBulletin myself. To me, the usability of vBulletin is determined by the administrative setups and tweaks. There is one particularly feature that I like that I miss here - the ability to readily see what threads on a full page thread views that I have posted to previously without having to "subscribe" to it. Having become used to it, I like it.
Jeff whatever you think is best will do for me, you have done us penturners proud up till now, so I for one will accept any changes you think necessary! :D
As probably most of us have, Jeff, I've probably visited at least one forum supported by every software package on the planet. Some are good and some are not so good......some I like and some I don't. But somehow, I have learned to live with all of them. Features that I don't care about, others cannot live without and visa versa. Far as I am concerned, do your thing. I'll like or I won't; but I will figure out a way to deal with any roblems I have and will continue to be a faithful student of the craft at my favorite place of learning....IAP.

Just one quicky for you. Will this new software have a membership list that is sortable/searchable by geographic location....ideally by city; but at least by state/country? I know some folks object to this feature because of privacy issues; but any negative arguments I have ever seen are easily rsolved by reasonable people. This is not a feature that is available on a lot of sites; but one that I find to be extremely valuable and sorely missed on sites that are without it. That Geomap thing was better than nothing; but the sortable member list is the best way to go, IMO.
personally I like phpbb, good support, I have yet to see a board that is maxed out, search works ok, not great but better than most, runs on several different platforms, easy to use from both admin and user point of view.

I have a forum set up at using phpbb, not very large yet but growing, it is for crafters and promoters to discuss stuff.
Originally posted by Randy_

Just one quicky for you. Will this new software have a membership list that is sortable/searchable by geographic location....ideally by city; but at least by state/country? I know some folks object to this feature because of privacy issues; but any negative arguments I have ever seen are easily rsolved by reasonable people. This is not a feature that is available on a lot of sites; but one that I find to be extremely valuable and sorely missed on sites that are without it. That Geomap thing was better than nothing; but the sortable member list is the best way to go, IMO.
Yes. The "location" field in the member profile is freeform, so you might find TX, Texas, The Lone Star State, etc. in there, but yes, the field is searchable.
Just to further address Steve's comment above that vBulletin isn't the best choice. All forums have pros and cons, and here was my rationale in selecting vBulletin. I will GLADLY accept thoughts on a better choice, because I hope to never switch forum software again. Help me do it right once.

Rationale for selecting the vBulletin forum and the vBadvanced CMS (content management system)

1 - Converter is available from Snitz - Wanted to preserve member accounts and all posts
2 - Uses a PHP and MySQL Database (versus ASP & MSSQL) Much lower hosting costs
3 - Good integration with other products (photo albums, blogs, wikis) Easy expansion
4 - Strong user community, professional support Continued development
5 - Excellent admin tools Much better features for admins, mods
6 - Features you have asked for (Avatars, Ignore User, real PM system, local time zones, WYSIWYG editor)
7 - Good security & spam protection (CAPTCHA, blocking)
8 - Customizable layout with stylesheets Want to avoid hand-editing

So, that's why. Let me know what else out there is a better option!
I frequent an Archery forum that uses vbulletin and it seems to run smoothly. That forum has over 628,397 threads and 6,481,405 posts. It will definitely handle our traffic.

vBulletin would have been my suggestion all along, I have been an admin on the largest, and admin now on the second largest paper model forums, both use vBulletin, and it has been great for me

I am not a coder, programmer or a hack, but I can navigate the under the hood features easily.

I also hope that this will help with the lack of access I have to this forum in the evening when I connect from home.

I am all for the move to vBulletin, if you have any questions Jeff, just ask.
Your search will be better with vBulletin but you will still be dependant on how many inquires are accessing the MySQL data at the same time as well as server speed.

For those unfamiliar vBulletin you might want to look for an online users manual to get familiar with the controls.


You get two thumbs up from me on switching to vBulletin. While the new look/feel will take some getting used to, it is an excellent product that will scale to meet all of our needs.
I didn't mean to sound so negative. To really get down to it. There isn't anything any better than V. My experience is with Zen Cart when we did the switch. I have one request, do not enable the captcha on the search. It is a pain in the !@#:D
I belong to the biggest woodworking forum in Oz and it uses vBulletin. Overall it works very well, it has some quirks and I must admit there are features on this board that I like better, but overall the vBulletin features win out.

You can embed hyper links, so don't finish up with the ling web addresses seen on this board.

Searching certainly works better than on this board (half the time a search here times out), but there is also an option to include Google search within the forum. That feature is worth it's weight in gold.


Whatever you do, don't get rid of your photo albums! That is the single best feature on this board, it is brilliant. Any time I am looking what a particular pen looks like I go there.
since it is not possible to subscribe to a locked topic, would you please make a comment here when you update that locked topic?

Good luck with the transition! I've looked at vbull. before and liked what I saw, great add-ons, photo album, I think these fora rise and fall with the admin, so I have great confidence what you put together will be super
Originally posted by BigShed

I belong to the biggest woodworking forum in Oz and it uses vBulletin. Overall it works very well, it has some quirks and I must admit there are features on this board that I like better, but overall the vBulletin features win out.
Tell me what those are and I'll work to make sure we have them in vB.

You can embed hyper links, so don't finish up with the ling web addresses seen on this board.
We have URL tags, but people don't use them. Like this:

[url=""]text to display[/url]

Searching certainly works better than on this board (half the time a search here times out), but there is also an option to include Google search within the forum. That feature is worth it's weight in gold.
Google usually has our stuff in their index within a few hours. I will be integrating that with the search in vB.

Whatever you do, don't get rid of your photo albums! That is the single best feature on this board, it is brilliant. Any time I am looking what a particular pen looks like I go there.
I'll bring them over somehow, but they will possibly be in some kind of archive rather then in each person's profile as vB supports. I'll look into trying to migrate them into the new albums.
Originally posted by scubaman

since it is not possible to subscribe to a locked topic, would you please make a comment here when you update that locked topic?

Good luck with the transition! I've looked at vbull. before and liked what I saw, great add-ons, photo album, I think these fora rise and fall with the admin, so I have great confidence what you put together will be super

Good idea! I will do that.
Jeff thanks for making this site in my opinion the best. I have got so much help from all members. I don't know anything about what happens to make a site work, but i do know what ever you have done it was the right way. Big thanks.
Originally posted by jeff

Originally posted by BigShed

I belong to the biggest woodworking forum in Oz and it uses vBulletin. Overall it works very well, it has some quirks and I must admit there are features on this board that I like better, but overall the vBulletin features win out.
Tell me what those are and I'll work to make sure we have them in vB.

You can embed hyper links, so don't finish up with the ling web addresses seen on this board.
We have URL tags, but people don't use them. Like this:

[url=""]text to display[/url]

Searching certainly works better than on this board (half the time a search here times out), but there is also an option to include Google search within the forum. That feature is worth it's weight in gold.
Google usually has our stuff in their index within a few hours. I will be integrating that with the search in vB.

Whatever you do, don't get rid of your photo albums! That is the single best feature on this board, it is brilliant. Any time I am looking what a particular pen looks like I go there.
I'll bring them over somehow, but they will possibly be in some kind of archive rather then in each person's profile as vB supports. I'll look into trying to migrate them into the new albums.

Jeff, I can think of 2 things that this forum has that are better than the one based on vBulletin.

1. On the vBulletin forum when you post a photo it is shown as a thumbnail at the bottom of the post and you need to click on it to see it full size. On this forum you can put the full size photo anywhere in the post so that your story can flow around it.
When you upload the photo you are limited to 100k or 800x600.


2. I often print a thread to a pdf file for later reference, when doing this on this forum all pages of the thread print into the one pdf file.
On the vBulletin forum, you need to print each page of posts separately, and therefore name them separately. Now, Adobe will allow you to make on pdf from multiple files afterwards, but it is all aheck of a lot more work.

3. I, and I am sure others here, often use the photo album to see what a particular pen or wood looks like. So keeping all the photos within one archive, referenced by contributor, would be the way to go.

4. URL tags. What I was getting at is that in the vBulletin forum, you can highlight a word(s), click on the paper clip symbol, paste in the link you want (which can sometimes be really long) and click OK. What you finish up is with the original word(s) highlighted in blue and when you click on it, it acts as the hyperlink and takes you to the website referenced. It makes for a much neater and less cluttered looking post.


Jeff, thank you for an excellent forum, it has become my "go to" destination for anything pen turning, great work.


Vbulletin WILL alow you to embed IMG tags just like here. I just tried it on a Vbulletin test forum. here is how it looks:


It is not quite as easy as doing it here but is pretty close. I will write a step by step if need be once the new forum is up and running.

Also, on your item 2...I can get almost all thread to print on one pdf file. The way to do it is click on thread tools and then show printable version. Then go to the bottom of the new page and click on "show 40 posts from this page on one page". Now print. That will take care of any thread that is 4 pages long or less. Most all of our threads are less than 4 pages so most will work just fine. Hope that helps.
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Originally posted by MesquiteMan


Vbulletin WILL alow you to embed IMG tags just like here. I just tried it on a Vbulletin test forum. here is how it looks:


It is not quite as easy as doing it here but is pretty close. I will write a step by step if need be once the new forum is up and running.

As far as I know this can only be done by linking to an external web source, such as photobucket.
The problem with that method is that if the original source disapperas for one reason or another, the photo no longer shows up.
If I am missing something here, I would love to see how else it can be done.
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