New Forum Roll-Out

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New Forum Roll-Out

  • Do it ASAP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wait till it's all done

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
Should we roll out the new forum while it's still under constructions or wait until it's all finished and pretty? Finished and pretty is going to take a couple more months. Functional, but rough could be done in a couple weeks.
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I think you should just do it. "Get-er-done!" Regardless if you wait or do it now it will cause confusion, hate and discontent (well maybe just confusion:D). It would be better to continue to build with feedback from a lager group instead of trying to trouble shoot yourself.

believe me, my site was long way from being done, when I announced it. But with user input, it is turning out great.
I voted I don't care. By this vote I am trying to tell you that I think you know more about all the pro's and con's of either way better than I do, and I feel it should be your decision as to when and how. I have had NO complaints about the way you have operated this forum, and want to leave that judgement call to you, the founder and our leader. (Am I just passing the buck? [:I])
Originally posted by airrat

Jeff any way to have some log into it to see if any suggestions or bugs can be worked out?
I have a couple people working on that. There isn't much there right now other than the basic out-of-the-box forum. I have someone working on a skin which will look similar to our color scheme and layout here.

I have three main goals (1) bring over all member accounts with post counts, etc., (2) bring over all topics and posts, and (3) do this as soon as possible with the limits of "under construction-ness" that people can live with. The $100+ a month savings in hosting costs is a big carrot for me.
Originally posted by airrat

Jeff any way to have some log into it to see if any suggestions or bugs can be worked out?
Once I get our new custom skin installed, I'll throw it open for comments. The person I have working on this estimated late next week. As soon as I have something from her, I'll let you know.
If you think it will be functional enough, and can make the switch.. I'd say save yourself the money and switch. Do whatever you think will work best. I'm in the 'agile' camp of software.. Give it as a base and add in on the fly if that works for you.
From my experience, the more you work on getting the "new" just right, the more you find that needs to be changed to be "just right" and the longer it takes. What ever is easiest for you! THANKS for a great site!!!!!!:):D:)
What would you like to do, Jeff? Just hope you don't change the format too much. This is the best site as is & that may be the reason it's the busiest. Let's hope it's not like Yahoo Penturners.
Having been a lead on several of these "roll-outs", I am sure that it will NEVER be "done". Not an insult, just a fact of systems design and testing! I say, roll it out and let the masses be your testers. This is also a good volume handling and permissions test. Additionally, based on myself and the folks I have met, no one should get too upset about rough around the edges or slightly erratic or incomplete![}:)];)
If I read Jeff's comments correctly, he has a importer available for vB that will import all the threads from here to the new Forum operating system

so your assumption is correct, old threads will be available once the move has been made
Originally posted by MDWine

for my .02, when Jeff is ready, go fer it...

I assume will old threads and articles be available in some fashion for a while?
All posts will come with us. Articles are separate from the forum database, but they'll come too.
Originally posted by MobilMan

What would you like to do, Jeff? Just hope you don't change the format too much. This is the best site as is & that may be the reason it's the busiest. Let's hope it's not like Yahoo Penturners.
The VB forum software is awesome! They use it at and another forum i belong to. I love it.
I think that you should do get it as close to the final product as you can. If you don't, you will spend so much time explaining that you are 'workin on it' that you won't have time to actually work on it.
Jeff I voted I don't care but what I really mean.......(Sounds like the opposite party's response to the State of the Union huh?) Is it should open whenever you're ready. I can see benefits to both ways. Just going ahead and doing it will force us to get into it and get used to I'm sure you'll welcome constructive input from members :D. The other way, waiting until your done and it's right as far as you are concerned will cut down on a lot of discussion and difference of opinion, not that it's bad thing :D So I'm no help either way is fine.

As far as sweating transferring the photos I can always upload em again! So that's no biggie
Jeff , I'm all the way in . I learned to navigate this site ! I can learn another one ! Thanks for the work you do to keep this forum growing .
I vote to "do it now" so we the users can see/provide feedback on just how to smooth out those rough edges (if there are multiple choices).

Jeff, my vote is with the "whatever works best for you" group. You've been doing a superb job all round before I joined and now. I am grateful for the work you and all the others involved do to keep this forum running smoothly and help it grow.

What your feel is best, do it.
Time for a brief update on this poll.

I've decided to go ahead with the conversion ASAP. Here's why:

1 - We'll save a bunch of money, over $100 a month on hosting.

2 - I'm spending a huge amount of time configuring and tinkering with the test site, which I'll need to wipe anyway and reload. I feel like my time would be better spent on the permanent site.

3 - I really think most of you are going to really like the new functionality and features. There is so much there that we've needed for so long. You'll love the photo album - comments, public and private albums, etc.

4 - I need your help finding bugs, things that don't work, etc.

So, I'll be giving you more info on how and when this will happen, but it's coming sooner rather than later. I can't wait!

If you want to take a quick look at a few things go here:

Lots of stuff broken, it's on a slow server, and it will disappear without notice, but feel free to play. Don't post anything you want saved! (I am not even sure right this sec that posting is enabled...)

To log on, you'll need to reset your password:

You'll need to do that again when it's live.

By the way, feel free to post comments about the new forum here, or email me if you prefer that.

The posts and member lists there currently are about 2 weeks old, the last time I did a test migration.
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