New Forum - Most Valued Vendors

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
Over in this topic we were discussing various ways to improve the classifieds. It seems like one thing that would help the mess there a little bit is a place where some of our long-standing, active, highly supportive members who also happen to sell things on a regular basis can post their ads.

So, after consulting with a number of people, I've created the Most Valued Vendors Forum.

I've written a post describing the forum, and compiled the initial list of MVVs.

Please don't feel slighted if your name is not on the list. I know there are a number of you who are regular sellers here who are either relatively new or don't have an extensive posting history. I had to draw lines somewhere in order to keep the MVV status meaningful. Stick with us and you'll get in!

So, let's give this a try for a while and see how it goes. I'll gladly accept comments and suggestions in this topic or by email.
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If you have suggestions for someone to be added, please e-mail Jeff rather than post here. That way if someone recommends someone and they are not accepted, there will not be any hard feelings, etc, etc.
I like the concept. You'd be able to find the stuff you wanted from members a lot quicker. Will they still be able to post pics of numbered lots and buyers respond by post with the number wanted to avoid emailing only to find an item was already spoken for in another email?
Originally posted by rhahnfl

I like the concept. You'd be able to find the stuff you wanted from members a lot quicker. Will they still be able to post pics of numbered lots and buyers respond by post with the number wanted to avoid emailing only to find an item was already spoken for in another email?
You know, I'm going to leave that up to the sellers. If someone has 5 ads running and they are all getting bumped by those kind of posts, then the other sellers are going to get pushed off the page. That's not fair to the other sellers and I'd expect that would not be done. So if someone wants to operate that way, they'd be smart to run one ad at a time.
Great idea Jeff. I'm honored to be included as one of the original MVV. To start things off, I just made the first post.
One more thing... Because I have been existing in a Nyquil-induced haze for the last few days, I missed a few names that should have been on the original list. I've been informed of that, and you'll see some additions which have occured over the last couple hours. Probably more over the next few days, then it should stabilize. I don't envision adding more than a few a year to that list.

Thanks for all the kind words here and by email. I hope it adds some value to the classifieds.
Wow....I going to run to the store for some Nyquil!:D

LOL....I was going to fix my post but it works....LOL

I am honored to be included on the list.

Originally posted by Kalai

Hi Jeff, that is a great idea you got there, it gives me something to shoot for. Aloha.



I like your attitude. With your product, I believe it won't take long.
I guess there is a little something wrong with lists like this. Some people may feel a little hurt that they didn't make it.:( It also seems to make it an easier listing than for the business guys. I guess in a few days the MVV list will look a little more cluttered and will take on the look of the business classifieds. But for now the MVV guys appear to have an edge.
Originally posted by low_48

I guess there is a little something wrong with lists like this. Some people may feel a little hurt that they didn't make it...the MVV guys appear to have an edge.
I'm not on the list, but I'm not hurt. Just being allowed to post here helps the search engines find my website - which is free advertising for me. Having a photo album here enables me to show some of my work, which is free advertising for me. Being allowed to post in the classifieds section is free targeted advertising for me. How could I possibly complain?

Being able to post on the IAP lets me test product ideas before investing in them. Being able to ask questions gives me access to expert help. Finally, just seeing other people's pens gives me inspiration and desire to improve my own. I'm thrilled with how much the IAP gives me already.

And, I really don't think a "Most Valued Vendors Forum" changes business much. Jeff has simply identified a group of people with a proven track record of contributing to the IAP (not just financially, but with regular participation) and providing high quality products and service to the membership. I think giving these vendors a somewhat more "sticky" advertising location simply makes it easier for the members to find people they already know about. I recognized all the names even though I've only purchased from a few. Now, if I want to buy something from them, they're easier for me to find.

Maybe, if I continue to participate and sell here, and if my products and service are good enough, I'll make the list someday.

I am honored to be included as a MVV, but even more proud to having been an active member since the early days. I am expecting a shipment of nibs any day now and will put an ad up as soon as I know I have the products in hand. BTW, the folks on this list (excluding me) are all highly valued by me across many lines. Their contributions are obvious and appreciated.
Instead of worrying about people "feeling bad" about not getting onto the MVV list - I would HOPE it would give them the incentive to post more, contribute more, etc. to earn their way onto the list.
Originally posted by low_48

I guess there is a little something wrong with lists like this. Some people may feel a little hurt that they didn't make it.:( It also seems to make it an easier listing than for the business guys. I guess in a few days the MVV list will look a little more cluttered and will take on the look of the business classifieds. But for now the MVV guys appear to have an edge.
As I responded to you in email, Rich, missing you was an honest mistake on my part. Didn't you see my post above? I'll add you even though you don't seem too enthusiastic about lists like this... ;)

EDIT: Looking into this I don't see you ever advertising in the business classifieds. A bit of clarification: The MVV forum is for members who would normally advertise in the business classifieds.
Folks, I would really prefer to discuss who should or should not be in the MVV forum by email rather than in the forums.

So, if you normally sell in the business classifieds, AND you roughly meet the criteria spelled out in the MVV forum guidelines, AND you do not see yourself on the MVV list, THEN send me an email and we'll discuss it. It's likely that I've simply forgotten you.

The Individual Classifieds forum is still available for those who have the occasional item to sell. If you are a vendor, or repeatedly sell the same items, and you have not yet made the MVV list, then you can continue to enjoy the right to sell on our website free of charge by using the business classifieds.
It appears that I have made an a** of myself here. I misunderstood about the new listing and I apologize to Jeff (email sent Jeff) and all other forumites. I haven't been selling (or working much in the shop at all) do to health problems, maybe it's more than thyroid problems, maybe it's affecting my brain as well. Here I thought I was getting better.

Sorry all. [:I][:I]
Originally posted by low_48

I haven't been selling (or working much in the shop at all) do to health problems

Rich if there is anything I can do to help please let me know. I hope you get well soon.
Mike and I are both extremely honored to have been included on the MVV list and have sent an email to Jeff stating such. We also want to thank all of the IAP members who have become our friends over the past several months; we value the friendships we have made here more than most "normal" folks could imagine, but at a level we know you all understand. Furthermore, we want to thank you guys for giving us a chance when we offered up items for sale as "newbies" to IAP. We will continue to strive to provide the best customer service possible and the best products we can get our hands on when the opportunities present themselves.
Overall, thanks for letting us join this great group and "put down roots here!"

Mike & Linda :)
Great idea Jeff. Do you think it might be a good idea to put what the vendor speciallizes in selling next to their name? A new person to the forum would have no idea. Just my two cents :)
Originally posted by GBusardo

Great idea Jeff. Do you think it might be a good idea to put what the vendor speciallizes in selling next to their name? A new person to the forum would have no idea. Just my two cents :)
Good idea! When I have more time, I'll poll the MVVs and see what each wants next to their name.
Then I guess I'll ask for "The Resinator" (wait, will I have to pay "Wishman" every time someone reads this?? [:0][:0]- That'd be a "Wish-come-true-man!")

Thanks for including me Jeff,:D:D:D I will attempt to live up to your expectations and deserve the trust of ALL members who honor me with the opportunity to provide products (and some freebees[:p][:p])

Originally posted by ed4copies

Then I guess I'll ask for "The Resinator" (wait, will I have to pay "Wishman" every time someone reads this?? [:0][:0]- That'd be a "Wish-come-true-man!")

Thanks for including me Jeff,:D:D:D I will attempt to live up to your expectations and deserve the trust of ALL members who honor me with the opportunity to provide products (and some freebees[:p][:p])


I thought would be the natural choice given the side business that you are in. Not trying to be[:eek:)] for a change.

Hi Jeff, thank you for feeling that I met the criteria for inclusion on this list.
However, technically I'm not a vendor. I only sell to a handfull of members, those in the UK. I am also only a re-seller of only PRPrincess' products. When I buy a bunch of stuff from Dawn, sometimes I offer some of it to them.
The reason I use her stuff is because of the great service and equally great products, as well as the keen prices:D
Any contributions I have made, financial or otherwise are only due to the fact that I enjoy being here talking shop and sometimes talking crap with the rest of the membership.
While I appreciate that you may have included Dawn by having Ed on the list, I believe that you could improve this list by having her name instead of mine. That is my request.
I have no idea what Dawn's post count is or whether or not she may have contributed financially to IAP. I do know that although she may operate 'behind the scenes' she is far more deserving of this spot on the list than me.

Many thanks
Steven. AKA Skiprat:D AKA Skippy[}:)] AKA Skip[}:)] AKA Ski Prat[}:)][}:)]
Originally posted by wood-of-1kind

Originally posted by ed4copies

Then I guess I'll ask for "The Resinator" (wait, will I have to pay "Wishman" every time someone reads this?? [:0][:0]- That'd be a "Wish-come-true-man!")

Thanks for including me Jeff,:D:D:D I will attempt to live up to your expectations and deserve the trust of ALL members who honor me with the opportunity to provide products (and some freebees[:p][:p])


I thought would be the natural choice given the side business that you are in. Not trying to be[:eek:)] for a change.


Peter, I think you should add Fine to Ed's If that is too long, just use the initial F.
Good one Cav. Doesn't that phrase start with OLD (F.A.R.T.), it does in my family when they talk about me.[:eek:)]:D

Originally posted by ed4copies

I will attempt to live up to your expectations and deserve the trust of ALL members who honor me with the opportunity to provide products (and some freebees[:p][:p])


How 'bout you start with my ONE FREE PEN PER CUSTOMER!
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