New find - Unimat db200

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Nov 3, 2008
Charlottetown, PEI Canada, Derby Kansas and Canyon
Local guy had this in his basement last 30 years he said. He is cleaning his house out for sale and asked if I was interested in this. He didnt give me a price yet as he wanted to see if I can make use of it first.

Used a can of wd40 on it after the picture was taken and a lot of the parts are wiping up nice. I am sure with a little work, it will look good.

It needs belts but I may CA the origional broken belt to make sure everything works good before I invest much into it.


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Local guy had this in his basement last 30 years he said. He is cleaning his house out for sale and asked if I was interested in this. He didnt give me a price yet as he wanted to see if I can make use of it first.

Used a can of wd40 on it after the picture was taken and a lot of the parts are wiping up nice. I am sure with a little work, it will look good.

It needs belts but I may CA the origional broken belt to make sure everything works good before I invest much into it.
Yeah, that's one pretty looking doorstop....j/k:wink:
That looks like a great little find. Perfect for making little pen parts, nibs, collars whatever. I'd fix it..metal lathes aren't cheap, and the older ones can be pretty darn good and solid.
I wouldn't waste my time fixing a belt. You can find a new one if you search hard enough and there are chain link style rubber belts available that can be adjusted to size. If the motor works, you're in business. If something is a bit seized, maybe it needs some new bearings, totally worth investing in, or sometimes just soaking the entire thing in a barrel of used motor oil will cure all. Done that before!
I'd be a little leary of CA on the belts....I could just see the glue breaking loose and having one of those belts meet the face at 3400 rpm....YIKES!:eek: Just wear a face shield if you want to try that!
A little rusty and dirty but it looks like it has every attachment ever made. Should clean up be great machine. As to the belt, take it to a sewing machine repair place, they probably will have a size to fit it in stock. I have even seen these things run with few extra large rubber bands for the belt.
I think you can use an O ring for a belt, I used to have a Unimat about 30 or so years ago, they are a lot of fun, looking at the pictures it doesn't look like any thing much is wrong, check with a vacuum cleaner repair shop they can probably fix you up for a few bucks, or if they have a bearing supply house near you they can measure what you need and get it easily, I THINK my belts were just large O rings but it's been gone for many many years.
Local guy had this in his basement last 30 years he said. He is cleaning his house out for sale and asked if I was interested in this. He didnt give me a price yet as he wanted to see if I can make use of it first.

Used a can of wd40 on it after the picture was taken and a lot of the parts are wiping up nice. I am sure with a little work, it will look good.

It needs belts but I may CA the origional broken belt to make sure everything works good before I invest much into it.

If you're not interested.......I'd be! Now, why cann't I find something like that close to me???? LOL

I'd get a price before I cleaned it up too much. Just in case he wants a lot and you don't want to pay that much, you won't have made it seller ready.
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