You may have seen last week where I made my first Amboyna for my father, and had promised the next one was mine! Told Ya! Made this guy the other day and have been carrying it for a few days. Carried it around like a egg, being ever so carful not to damage it until I took photos. Rhodium Jr Gent I from Smitty :frown: going to miss ordering from you before too long! Picked up the amboyna at Klingspore, they had a few beautiful blanks last week. Who knows how many coats of CA, probably 10. (I know all about the thickness thread recently, and 10 was a few too many, sometimes it works, sometimes not, So I started around 1000 to take off a few coats on the edges.) MM to 12000, Novus 2, and PlastX. I am quite proud of this one for now, perhaps it should be on a different kit, but I have a few of these to go through. Thanks For your time, C&C Welcome!