Just a short story. This morning me and the LOML were on our way to the grocery store and in front of us was an old pick up with a trailer full of tree trimmings and cut up trunk (cedar). The LOML said I should try to get along side and see if he would sell some to me at a good price. I pulled next to him at the next light and asked if he would sell me some and he said no but if I would pull over he would load a nice chunk into my truck. We got to talking and he told me he has a tree removal service and all he dose with the trees is take them to his farm and that if I would call him this week end he would meet me out there and I could fill my p/u with all I wanted. He said he has Cedar,Bradford pear,Oak, Hickery,Maple. Some have been there for a year or 2. Now I have never had any wood like this what do I need to do (ie; seal with a sealer, let sit and dry ,cut into smaller pcs. and dry ?) Any help will be appriciated. BTW I did give him a slimline pen that I had with me and he was almost insulted. He said that today he just felt like Chris Kringle. You never know until you ask!!!!