Need your thoughts/prayers and a warning to all

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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
Fellow IAP members,

At 60 years old my father was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer. This is a rare cancer deep in the sinus cavity behind the eyes. The main link they have found in American's is exposure to plywood sawdust. My father was a framer and carpenter all of his life and never took any precautions.

He underwent chemotherapy and radiation treatment which really took a lot out of him. He ended up loosing his left eyesight, his sense of taste, his sense of smell, and most of his hearing. He has no saliva to speak of. The radiation also damaged a portion of his brain. The good thing, I guess, is that he has been in remission for the past couple of years. His quality of life has sucked but he has been alive.

Late last week, he was complaining of pain in his chest when he breathed. The took him in and did a CT scan. On the scan they found a golf ball sized mass on one of his lungs. He had a PET scan in December that showed he was still cancer free. Friday night he had a crash and started shivering uncontrollably and was telling me goodbye and that Jesus was there for him. He was burning up so I checked and he had a 104.5 fever. He did not want to go to the hospital so I told him he was either gong with me or in an ambulance but he was going.

We got him to the ER and they found that he now has pneumonia and the mass has gotten worse. They still are not sure what the mass is since they have not been able to do a biopsy but one of the Drs. took me aside and said they are 95% certain it is cancer and that his lungs have rapidly deteriorated over the last few days. It looks like he only has weeks left.

They will be doing the biopsy on Monday and we could use your prayers. We pray that it will either be non cancer and treatable or that it will take him quickly.

He was the epitome of good health. He never drank or smoked in his life and was a vegan. He has 99,002 miles on a bicycle over the last 8.5 years and has a better resting heart rate than I will ever have.

PLEASE, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ADEQUATE DUST COLLECTION, GET SOME NOW!!! You can not go back and fix it. When he was diagnosed, I went out the next week and spent $2,000 on a top notch cyclone dust collection system that gets even the smallest stuff. I know that is a lot of money but just think about the possible alternatives. If you only have bags on your DC, you are doing yourself a disservice since all of the fine stuff that really hurts you is being pumped right back into your shop air.

Anyway, sorry to ramble on and burden you guys with this but you are all family to me and I needed someone to share with. I will try to keep everyone updated as I can but in the meantime, please send some prayers or thoughts our way, especially for my Mom who is really taking it hard. Thanks.
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Wow, what do you say to that? I'm sorry to hear of your fathers ails. My dad passed away from cancer and looking back, we were Very fortunate that he went quickly, cruel as that may seem. Take solice in the knowledge that he has lived a full life. My prayers are with you and your family in this sad time.

All of us will pray for you and your family. I'm deeply sorry to hear about what your family is going through. I hope everything turns out all right with the tests. As for you, keep your chin up I'm sure your in everyones prayers here on the site.
Curtis, I'll never forget the day we were told that Diane had breast cancer, and I thought I was going to lose her.I know what you and your family must be going through.
You have our prayers,,,,,,
Thanks, Roy. The bad thing (actually turned out good) is that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 40. She is now 62 and has been completely cancer free for 20 years. Looks like she beat it but it sure was difficult back then. It is rather ironic that 22 years ago, my dad and us were taking care of my mom, thinking we were going to loose her. Now, the roles are reversed. My mom is taking things pretty hard after all she went through, bless her heart.
Growing up, I always disliked the term " I know how you feel". No one knows this, so I won't pretend to know. I lost my oldest brother to cancer some time ago and that was incredibly painful for everyone. My father died when I was only 5, so I don't remeber much about him. You have experienced quite a journey with your pops. I hope with all my prayers that this journey continues. Please be confident that if his journey continues with you or our Lord, his journey will one of joy.
God Bless You and Your Family.
Curtis, our thought and prayers are with you family. Cancer has touched our family all too much in the past couple of years so I know some of what you're going through.I hope you all can draw comfort from knowing he is where he needs to be spiritually
I too would like to pass my heartfelt thoughts and prayers your way to you and your family. Saying I know what you are going through maybe a saying but I too lost my Dad to cancer. I lost an Aunt just 3 weeks ago to lung cancer but she was a huge smoker. That is another one of those things that just needs to be stopped if you are smoking. Please do it for the people around you.
If there is anything that I can do Curtis, just give me a call.

I will keep your father and your family in my prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Peace be with you.

Mike, Thank you so much. You endured much more then we have or ever will. I would not be able to survive if I lost my daughter. You are a strong man, my friend.
I hope that your family will be okay. If it is something cancerous I hope that it is treatable and if your father's life is limited I hope that he is comfortable and pain
free. You mentioned that he cannot make saliva anymore. I work with lots of patients with this problem and I don't know if you know about this product. But it is called Biotene and comes as a mouthwash, toothpaste, and gum. It might help with this problem. May you and your family be surrounded with love and healing.
Curis, you and all your family are in my thoughts. My Mom passed from cancer many years ago and while I still miss her I know she lived life to the full and was surrounded by people who loved and cared for her. I'm sure that is the same for your father.
Best of luck to your Dad and your family..and thank you for your warning...we all needed to be reminded

I'm very sorry to hear of your dad's illness. I lost both my mom and my older brother to cancer and my dad to emphysema which was also caused by the environment where he worked for almost 45 years. You and your family are in my prayers.

Jim Smith
Curtis, we will be praying for your Dad and Mother, as well as you
and the rest of your family.
Please know you are in our thoughts.
May God help everyone in your family through this.

I am praying for your father, you and your family.

Thanks for the warning. Being his age and from his generation, I understand the idea behind getting the job done as a priority of life. I too built a DC system a year ago for health reasons. Twenty - thirty years ago, I wouldn't have given it a thought as a necessity.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you... And our thanks - I'm glad I bought a DC and will work to continue to improve it. I hope things go well for you dad -- at least as well as can be hoped given the rough parts he has already had.

I can't believe the biking - thats more than I hope to put on a bike my whole life! (of course I live in WI where biking season is just starting too)..

Hopefully you can spend some peaceful time with your family and can help him through this rough time whichever way this takes your dad.
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I am so sorry to hear of your father's health problems. He sounds like a wonderful man to have had in your life shaping your outlook on how to live.

That you take the time to warn us of the danger that has caused his problems is more than admirable.

I hope and pray that this eases his pain, or that he moves on from this life easily.
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