I just wanted to clear the driveway of some snow. A few inches is all. Maybe 6 or 8. Anyway I brought the blower (purchased in 1/05) forward a few weeks ago from the shed. Filled with fresh gas, new spark plug, oil change. Spritzed the chute with silicone, tightened some nuts. Then I then started it and let it run awhile and thought I had it ready to go for the winter. Well lo and behold today the SOB wouldn't start. Turns out the electric starter went bad. The teeth that engage the flywheel had snapped off. Seems as though it was made of pot metal or something like cast aluminum. The flywheel seemed fine. So I decided to start it manually. The snowblower started after giving it 2-3 pulls on the rope. I got the snowblowing done. Then I was talked to another family member who had a similar problem a couple of years ago and then again this year. Turns out these snowblowers had the same starters. My blower is a Craftsman with a Tecumseh engine, hers is a MTD with a Tecumseh engine. Both I believe are mf'd by Murray. After researching on the web for a new starter I found that Ariens, MTD, C-man, Toro, and a few others share the same tecumseh starter #33329 that seems to go south after 2-3 years. My last snowblower lasted 15 years with out this problem. I gave it to my stepson because he had none. It is still working great but he had to replace the pull rope last year. I ordered a new one and hopefully this won't be repeated in the next couple of years. Thanks for allowing me to spew off. Sorry for the long rant.