Trinket box (not sure if I spelled that right, it's just a small lidded vessel)
Vause for dried flowers
Chess set (making all of the pieces might take a while)
Wood bracelet (take several thin contrasting pieces of wood about 5"X5" and glue them
together so that they are at least 1" thick. Turn the blank round and
then hollow it out and finish it. Makes a nice bracelet)
Bud vause (Take a piece of wood about 2" - 3" wide and 1' long. Cut it lenghwise in quarters. Glue a contrasting piece of wood to two perpendicular sides of each of the quarters. Glue the quarters back together so that the contrasting wood is all on the outside. But before you glue it all back together, make sure each quarter is seperated from the other quarters with a piece of paper. This paper is important as you will be seperating the quarters later. Once the glue has cured put the blank on your lathe and turn a chunk of the blank out at about 4" of the way down the blank. Make that chunk about 4" - 5" long, about half the diameter of the blank and make it a gradual cove. Once that is done, take the blank off the lathe and seperate the four quarters. Use a hammer and chisel or butchers knife CAREFULLY. Glue the four quarters back together but this time with the contrasting wood glued to the inside. Put it back on the lathe and turn the bud vase. I'm not sure how well I've written the directions but you should end up with a really funky bud vause.)