Need a little help here finding a photo.

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Dale Parrott

Feb 22, 2012
Goshen, Indiana
Within the last week I saw a photo a a jig used to cut an arch on a pen plank. The jig involved using bandsaw to do this. A couple days later I saw the completed, but unturned blank. I'd like to find this post again but I'm not having any luck it could be here on IAP or one of several FB groups I belong to. I'd appreciate any help locating this project.
Thanks in advance
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You stack 2 blanks, cut and swap out between the 2. So in reality you are making 2 segmented blanks at the same time. The wood of each being opposite of the other one.

Simple way to get the idea is to stack 2 blanks, one lite colored, one dark. Like he did, tape them together so they do not move. Cut a wiggly line down the center. remove the tape, take the light color and the opposite dark color and glue them together, Same with the 2 remaining pieces. Allow the glue to dry, then repeat, stack the "new" blanks and tape them together. again cut a wiggly line down the center. Again remove the tape, and again glue the opposite sides together. You should have 2 blanks that are color opposites of each other.
I stack cut all the time and have the idea with interchanging pieces, in fact I have a blank I started years ago that has that concept but I cut on my scrollsaw. Another one of those I should break out and finish. but what does the nail do and how does the jig work. Usually a nail is a pivot point for making circles but I see no nail holes on the blanks. Love to learn something new.
The nail is the anchor for the disc that rotates the blank that are hot glued to it through the bandsaw blade giving a smooth arc to the cut.
This makes sense now because I see the glue under the blank. mystery solved and another learning lesson has been filed. Very ingenious. Will need to work on that for my scrollsaw. I can do many things with that idea and a scrollsaw.
A similar jig can be used for cutting layers for vortex bowls on the scrollsaw. Pete Marken made a jig on his cnc and was selling it at a symposium and I bought one. Worked real well.
If you check you tube Gabe Castro has been using the same process with his pen ,only he uses a hole saw, jig and drill press.

I have made his jigs and built some blanks with his process.
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