Need a Cane/Walking Stick Kit

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Jan 6, 2009
I have been lurking the boards for months and have gotten a ton of help, but haven't posted before. I need to make a cane for my father before June 4. I went to order the kit from CSUSA and they are out of stock on all of their kits. I am a fairly new turner and can't find another kit that I feel comfortable with. Would really like to make one that is segmented and CSUSA has the kit and good instructions. Does anyone have one gathering dust that I could purchase? Or another source? Thanks.
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Yeah: What Andrew said.

Let us know if you need help - I dunno how well Atlanta/Lee-Valley get along shipping-wise. One of us who live close to a LV could pick up the parts and FedEx 'em to you.

Click on the "Woodworking" tab then on the "Turning" link (right side, near the bottom) ... You should get a drop-down list: Select "Turning Projects" and the resultant menu will have a section of cane parts (heads, joiners, tips...)

I've seen them in person and they look nice - I'm gonna build the eagle one for myself.

If you're in a real bind and need something, like, yesterday, how about buying an all-wood segmented pool cue? You could refinish it, add a head and tip, and voila: you got yerself a cane.


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Did you try the local Rockler or Woodcraft? I would swear I saw at least a hiking stick kit at woodcraft, and I know Rockler's online site carries cane heads. It would be worth calling both places (and Highland hardware too, while your at it). Certainly faster than shipping, and you get to see before you buy.
Thanks for all the help. I found what I needed at Rockler this morning and got some instructions from a customer who has turned several who was there at the same time.

Of course I do various types of wood working but doing a cane is something very unique. I found this lady (super nice) who does complete focus on canes and makes them to height, weight, size, left/right handed. Very precise and custom fit. I got one of these for an elder in my church instead of making one. He loves it!
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