Another nice Canadian here
I am sooooo nice. Today is my good friends Birthday and I wanted to make her something extra special (she is terminally sick and we/she didn't think she would make it this far...yipppeee & counting)since she has pens and bottle stoppers.
Having never made a box, I printed off Mike Stafford's instructions (WC ARTICLES) for making an end grain box and went to my shop. .....and I went through the bottom of the box! I have made two others since the beginning of teh week...and gone through the bottom of each one! I have done this knowing exactly how it happened, and did it again and again.
Not to be deterred, and determined to give my friend a nice gift, I decided to do two small baskia pod vases in the range of 2 1/2" x 1 1/2". I was doing great until one blew off the lathe while I was turning the inside. So I went to the 2nd one and thought 'only I know that there should have been 2'....and blew that one off the lathe!!!! At other times I would ask why I am being given the message to take a break, but this time was important.
So, yes, I went back to one of the boxes and glued in the bit from the bottom. I needed to sand some CA off before I could finish it...but it was SOOO noticeable that I decided to glue on a piece of round coral.....but then it looked stupid.
So, I decide to make her a segmented pen, something I haven't tried before. I managed to cut all the pieces and do the glue up....and only then did I realize it was not an ordinary pen where I could just drill, glue & turn, but a fiddly thing cutting tiny pieces.
So I gave up.
And now I have to get off the laptop and go out to her party without a special gift.
She will get something soon.
But Santa, don't you think I am exceptionally nice for staying the course and 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again?'