Naughty or Nice?

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Dec 16, 2007
North Pole.
I've decided to try something a little different this Christmas.

Ol' Santa is going to let the IAP members build their own case for being naughty or nice. So ..... let's hear it.

Which are you??? [?][?]
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I have been a very naughty boy..My friend was complaining to me that his lathe has broken down and he will have to wait till the new year to replace it. So when I saw Santa offering a box of exotic burl blanks for $20 I thought that it would be nice to send them to him. He has been dying to try some more exotic blanks as he is relativly new to turning. So he wants to turn the new blanks. He has no lathe.Guess what kind of christmas he is going to have [}:)][}:)][}:)]
Nice ...... except for that one time when I ...... well, then there was that other time that I ....... and you know, of course, about when I ...... but most of the time I've been nice.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that ......

Better make it 90/10 .... or, maybe 80/20. 70/30???? OK, OK ... 50/50. ;)
I have been very nice, yes very, very, nice. Well at least today, well since noontime. Now yesterday needs to be erased from the recordbook. And the day before that, and last week, last, month, last year even!!

BUT I have been nice today since noon!! (been taking a nap until 30 minutes ago)

Another nice Canadian here :)

I am sooooo nice. Today is my good friends Birthday and I wanted to make her something extra special (she is terminally sick and we/she didn't think she would make it this far...yipppeee & counting)since she has pens and bottle stoppers.

Having never made a box, I printed off Mike Stafford's instructions (WC ARTICLES) for making an end grain box and went to my shop. .....and I went through the bottom of the box! I have made two others since the beginning of teh week...and gone through the bottom of each one! I have done this knowing exactly how it happened, and did it again and again.

Not to be deterred, and determined to give my friend a nice gift, I decided to do two small baskia pod vases in the range of 2 1/2" x 1 1/2". I was doing great until one blew off the lathe while I was turning the inside. So I went to the 2nd one and thought 'only I know that there should have been 2'....and blew that one off the lathe!!!! At other times I would ask why I am being given the message to take a break, but this time was important.

So, yes, I went back to one of the boxes and glued in the bit from the bottom. I needed to sand some CA off before I could finish it...but it was SOOO noticeable that I decided to glue on a piece of round coral.....but then it looked stupid.

So, I decide to make her a segmented pen, something I haven't tried before. I managed to cut all the pieces and do the glue up....and only then did I realize it was not an ordinary pen where I could just drill, glue & turn, but a fiddly thing cutting tiny pieces.

So I gave up.

And now I have to get off the laptop and go out to her party without a special gift.

She will get something soon.

But Santa, don't you think I am exceptionally nice for staying the course and 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again?'
Every year I try so hard, but I just can't seem to help myself. Yet again... I've been a bad boy. My dear wonderful sweet wife has but one request of me every Christmas, and every Christmas I can't follow her one simple Christmas wish. Year after year she has asked me to quit buying things for myself when Christmas is near. When I go into those tool stores and especially the Rockler store and I when see the sales I break down and buy new toys for myself again. My wonderful wife struggles with this problem of mine every year. She tells me it makes it very hard for her to find me a gift because I buy whatever I need leaving her with nothing to surprise me on Christmas morning.

A few times I've opened her wonderful gifts only to have to tell her I just bought that last week. She listens to me so intently throughout year trying to pin down that one special gift that would bring such surprise and joy to my Christmas morning, yet when I see those wonderful sales just a few days from Christmas, I know in my heart that I must have (fill in the blank) it now before it's too late. This year has been no different. I'm about to go out shopping one more time as I type this and I know I'll come back with something that might disappoint her once again. Santa, I'm a bad bad boy.
I was a bad boy.
I didn't hardly visit my friends at the penturners group all year, Then when I did I just get them all mad about group buys, Making fun of them cause they actually wanna track there stuff like pen kits and sales. And I don't even show them any of the pens I made. What do I show them a picture of? A pepper mill. Now that is almost as bad as it gets.
But Santa that is still not the worst thing I did.
I spent a whole day writing for the last write something about Christmas contest and didn't get squat. Think I would of at least gotten a mention for trying to correct all my typos. but oh no.
I know it should not bother me cause it is all in fun and friendship. I know the winners where funnier and more creative. Yeah even I thought the winner was really good. But I have seniority, where is the respect? where is the admiration of all my years of experience? I know it should not bother me. But I want even!
So I know this is bad Santa, But I'm wishing for coal in all the stocking of the judges. Shoot make this a wish for all the penturners. Um on second thought they would just figure out how to stabilize coal and turn it into a pen. Maybe give em reindeer po (oops, family site, sorry). Naw heck, those would work as center bands. Certainly can't leave antlers or hooves. they would figure out how to actually sell a pen like that. Aw man there I go again, being bad, Thinkin about hacking up poor Rudolph.
I got it, this is a really great way to get even for everything they did. let there houses be full of family, friends, and all sorts of people this Christmas so full they can't find a comfortable place to set, or hear what is on T.V. Make all there friends Talk about stories of the past, plans for the future and other stuff that will keep them so busy they they can't think straight. How bad is that?
I wish there Kitchens get filled to overflowing with really good food, you know that kind of food you just can't stop eating, even when you know you have had to much. Make them have to eat so much they can't walk. They will have to set on the couch all day with all there friends that can't walk either.
Make them laugh til there sides are splitting. That will get them. Since they won't be able to walk they will have to just set there and Laugh and Laugh and Laugh. Wicked ain't I?
Fill the whole holiday with memories that they just can't get off there minds for days. Man what a distraction!
And, and, put so many gifts under there trees that they can't hardly walk through the room. yeah that will get them.
But don't give them the satisfaction of enjoying all they get, no, make them remember that Christmas is really about good will toward man, yeah! make them get more joy out of what they give than what they get. Yeah that will show them.
Give them a brand spanking new lathe, or some other really great stuff. But make them stay in the house with all those people and all those great times, good food, and friends. They won't be forgetting the Curse of Daniel on this Christmas any time soon.
Best yet, make this Christmas so good, that they can't hardly wait for the next one. Make em remember it all year. boy that will get all of them. make them have a...a
Man I am sooooooo BAD!
Dear Santa,

The intent behind what I do has always been nice. It's the results that are sometimes in doubt, and often regrettable. Still I pledge to continue try to do what is good, fair, and honest.

You and I both know that this has been going on for a lot of years now, with some better than others. Still you have never forgotten me or my family (and now my grandkids) and have been generous to a fault.

Thank you!!
Dear Santa,

Being omnicient, you probably know better than I do what I've done this year! I Wish you wouldn't watch when I'm sleeping's a bit unnerving!

Let's see, how have I been this year. Nice? Sometimes. Naughty? Definitely. I am who I am...I'll work on being a better version of me though...

But if you decide not to bring me presents, that's ok too! As long as you make sure that the truly needy boys and girls of the world get something, the holiday will turn out ok! On that note, I'm going to clean out my pantry, and try and donate some can goods to the next food drive I hear about - not just old lima beans and cheese soup, but stuff that the needy can really use. I've not much money myself, but I have food in my belly, and a roof over my head, and that's more than many! Time to give back!

Whether or not people believe, I know that this season tends to bring a bit of cheer and generousity toward others...and I hope it's especially contagious this year.

Oh wait, I AM naughty! I'm trying to get my father-in-law interested in the endless money pit we call turning, and I've already gotten my father addicted to ice fishing! There should be a warning label on lathe chisels and fishing rods! I guess it's coal for me after all! (But then I can at least stay warm!)

Here it is Christmas Eve, and I have to fess up! Naughty? You bet! I wouldn't have it any other way! Nice is way too boring: "Play NICE with the other kids." "Be NICE to your sisters." "Dress up NICE for your school pictures" "Get a NICE hold on that bat, and then swing hard." "You ought to go out and do a NICE job of cleaning your NICE shop!" Boring!!!

Nope, none of this Nice stuff for me. I WANT to be naughty! The naughty ones have all the fun! Raising heck (it's a family site!), and then getting away with it - that's the life for me! I'd like to be a pirate! Yeah, a penturning pirate! "Avast ye bowlturner, turn over those choice pieces of Afzelia!" I can just see the look of horror on their faces as I cut their beautiful bowl blank into thirty perfect pen blanks! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I once had a bowlturner tell me about a hollow-form he had spent 20 hours on, and how it sold for $100! Then I grinned a wicked grin, and told him about how, if I took an Extra LONG Time, I could turn TEN pens in the same amount of time, and sell each one of them for MORE! I laughed as he ran away screaming! [}:)]

Yes, it's the naughty life for me! Think of me as you lead your NICE, BORING life! I'll be out there leading the FAST-PACED, EXCITING life of an avante-guard, risk-taking penturner! "Aye matie!"

Yeah, in my dreams! [8D]

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