Boy I remember when this design was all the rage and its secret was held tight to the vest. We had discussions on here both for and against the revealing of how this was done. It held together for a long time and then the secret became outed and tutorials were posted and now is somewhat a staple to segmenters.
With that said, back in those days, there was a person here that did a 360 degree herringbone but had a different approach and the look was totally different and to me even cooler. We all tried to get him to reveal but he never did. Then there were a group of us who tried to reverse engineer it to no success. To this day, I have only seen one and his method still remains a mystery. You all can do some searching if you choose to find the topic. It had to do with the shape of the pieces. That is my clue to you. I swear before I leave this planet I will once again attempt this segmented pen and if successful will have to deal with the guilt of weather to reveal of not. I believe there is 2 people still here that knows what I am talking about. Just a little shroud of mystery about this design.