Contacted the Department of Education for the Sate. They gave me a lot of good information. I Was able to finially get hold of the IEP person at his school and called for an emergency meeting on Friday morning. Hopefully this will get things rolling. We recieved a call from the school board last night they are doing a wide spread vacination of all the students and teachers due to extreme absents due to the H1N1 and the swine flu in our schools. Now the stress really starts if he gets sick.
A lot of you don't know me except for my few post that i have made. My son is 14. 3 years ago he was diagnosed with Steven Johnson Sydrome (it is very rare). If you want to check it out on the web there is a formum for it but i warn you about looking at the pictures of the kids and adults that have it, it attacks ones skin like having third degree burns and they have to treat you as a burn patient. Which he can have a deadly reaction to any medicine given to him, even over the counter remidies. We are having to treat him the old fashion way chicken noodle soup and bed rest. If he gets to the point of having to be given medcine we have to take him to the hospital where they will admit him for observation while giving him meds. The doctors told us not to bring him, only if he gets worse to just treat him at home till then. But that is a hard thing to do just to see him suffer with temps and coughs. He wanted to go back to school for his high school days, but we can't send him when he is sick though. Home schooling a high school student is very expensive doing the online high schools. I am going out of my mind trying to figure out how to get the schools help for him so he does not fall behind. I as for your prayers from everyone his name is Jimmy.
A lot of you don't know me except for my few post that i have made. My son is 14. 3 years ago he was diagnosed with Steven Johnson Sydrome (it is very rare). If you want to check it out on the web there is a formum for it but i warn you about looking at the pictures of the kids and adults that have it, it attacks ones skin like having third degree burns and they have to treat you as a burn patient. Which he can have a deadly reaction to any medicine given to him, even over the counter remidies. We are having to treat him the old fashion way chicken noodle soup and bed rest. If he gets to the point of having to be given medcine we have to take him to the hospital where they will admit him for observation while giving him meds. The doctors told us not to bring him, only if he gets worse to just treat him at home till then. But that is a hard thing to do just to see him suffer with temps and coughs. He wanted to go back to school for his high school days, but we can't send him when he is sick though. Home schooling a high school student is very expensive doing the online high schools. I am going out of my mind trying to figure out how to get the schools help for him so he does not fall behind. I as for your prayers from everyone his name is Jimmy.
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