My Son Crossed Over Last Night

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Please consider changing the title of this thread.
The term "cross over" traditionally refers to death.
It gave me quite a start to read that.
OTOH, congrats to your son for his accomplishments.
Frank, I hear what you are saying, but in scouting this is what it is called. And it has been called that for much longer than John Edwards has been around. Thanks for the heads up though.
Pass on our congrats to your lad Hans:good::good::good:

But tell me, is the Scout Master offering his LEFT hand to shake in one of those pics?

Skip. Yes, it is his left hand. In the BSA the official scout handshake is the hand closest to the heart. So left.
Congrats to you and your son!
Being an Eagle Scout, former Den Leader, former Cubmaster, I assumed the correct meaning of "crossed over".

The hard part is coming for you soon, keeping the boy involved once he discovers girls, gets a job, gets his drivers liscense! My parents told me no licsense till I got my Eagle project completed! Needless to say, I was motivated!
My parents told me no licsense till I got my Eagle project completed! Needless to say, I was motivated!

This is part B to our plan. Part A is he gets $100 for every year he beats me by. I got my Eagle @ 17. Part B is no license until Eagle.
Congratulations... I have fond memories of when my son was into scouting... even though I never was a scout myself, because other fathers were "too busy" or unwilling, I wound up volunteering to do scout master duty for a year... I did many a meeting being briefed by other helpers as I walked up the aisle to the podium still in my business suit and more than a few times went back to the office after the meeting.... I took 31 boys down to Rancho Sima in south Texas for a scout camp... I opened the bus door and had 31 boys scattered in 31 directions... one of the greatest camping trips I ever went on... BSA is a great organization for boys... it's too bad that so many don't think it's cool any more... Congratulations to your boy and to you.
Congrats to you and your son!
Being an Eagle Scout, former Den Leader, former Cubmaster, I assumed the correct meaning of "crossed over".

The hard part is coming for you soon, keeping the boy involved once he discovers girls, gets a job, gets his drivers liscense! My parents told me no licsense till I got my Eagle project completed! Needless to say, I was motivated!

Congratulations to your son!!! I will say to this day I regret not getting my Eagle Scout. I was a mear 4 badges from obtaining my eagle. Our troop disbanded and I had to choose which group to go with and needless to say I picked the WRONG group.

I did however make "order of the aarow" for outstanding leadership within the troop which was a whole experience in and of itself. Fewer people obtain that award than do the Eagle scout so that was an honor to be nominated for! Tell him to keep at it or he will regret it in the future. Best of luck to you 2
Congratulations to you and your son. I, too, opened the message with a lot of trepidation expecting much less pleasant news (little did I know that I've "crossed over" myself albeit quite a few years ago).

Being an Eagle Scout (Achieved it May 2009) myself i can say scouting has defiantly influenced my life. My approach was finish it before school got in the way, what a great decision, The best thing that i have done since getting eagle is start wrestling for my school, it takes alot of time and i am not sure i would have been able to do my project and all if i were to have wrestled freshman and sophomore years

My dad told me i had to have my project done and be an eagle scout before i could get my permit. Since i had the project done and submitted the paperwork he said i will let you get your permit.

Now i need to find a way to get my brother who is Life motivated to finish his last step his project any ideas
Congrats!! I am an Eagle Scout that has been an active volunteer in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts the last 23 years and I can relate to your excitement.

Congrats to your son from a former Scouter and father of an Eagle.:highfive:
It wasn't until he was 18 and an ASM himself that I was able to start penturning since I got that hour a week back with nothing to do. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Congratulations to both of you. I know from experance that the boy has a MUCH better chance of going all the way through to eagle if he has strong parental support. BSA is one of the best programs for young men out bad there are so many out there that want to pick away at its strenghts. Then again we see that happening everywhere. Stay the course and you both will get more out of it than anything you can imagine.
Congrats from a fellow Eagle Scout and Scouter. I spent 24 years as a scouter and had the honor of starting a Crew as advisor as my last position in Scouting. My son made it to Life and was active in his Crew until graduating high school and joining the Air Force. I am very proud of him. I think the greatest thing a parent can remember is that Scouting is a journey and the young man will benefit regardless of how far he travels on the journey.
Thanks one and all for your kind remarks. You are all very kind. To my fellow Eagles, it is an honor to hold the title with you. I know what you went through to get it. To the other scouting parents, keep it up, it is worth it.

Monty, you made me laugh out loud. That is the big joke right 1 hr a week.
congrats. All my sons made it to Eagle. Make sure you go with him on as many campouts as you can. Those are sweet memories.
Please consider changing the title of this thread.
The term "cross over" traditionally refers to death.
It gave me quite a start to read that.
OTOH, congrats to your son for his accomplishments.

Interesting. As a former Cub/Boy Scout (back before recorded history), father of two sons who were also, and a former Cub Master, I have never heard the term.
Might be a regional thing.
My oldest son "crossed over" from cub scout to boy scout last night. Makes an Eagle Scout dad really proud. Here are some pictures.

Two Words: National Jamboree. Don't miss it. Start planning now for the first one he'll be old enough to go to. Of all the things we did in Scouts, the '89 Jamboree is the one I remember most.

World Jamboree would be even better, but I have no idea how cost-prohibitive that gets, since the next possibility for a new Scout would likely be 2015 in Japan.
Two Words: National Jamboree. Don't miss it. Start planning now for the first one he'll be old enough to go to. Of all the things we did in Scouts, the '89 Jamboree is the one I remember most.

World Jamboree would be even better, but I have no idea how cost-prohibitive that gets, since the next possibility for a new Scout would likely be 2015 in Japan.

Too wild! I was @ the 89 Jambo too! I remember George H W Bush (he signed my Eagle cert) and Steven Spielberg getting the Cinema Merit Badge. And that is where I learned to trade for OA flaps. Too cool!

The next Nat. Jambo is this year to commemorate 100 yrs. Now they are only doing them every 5 years. And the next international is next year in Sweden. So the first Nat. Jambo he will be able to go to will be 2015
Congratulations Hans,
I have two sons who were scouts. My oldest attained his Eagle 15 years ago. He is now the Field Director of the Western Tennessee Council. Basically he has been a Boy Scout since he was six :). By the way, he is expecting his second child TODAY, his first son, and hopefully his first scout!
Too wild! I was @ the 89 Jambo too! I remember George H W Bush (he signed my Eagle cert) and Steven Spielberg getting the Cinema Merit Badge. And that is where I learned to trade for OA flaps. Too cool!

I keep finding people online who were there...maybe I should check and see if there's a Facebook group or something.
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