It is said that one of the most difficult things to do is to turn a "perfectly' straight pen barrel. "Perfect" is always open to interpretation but never having tried before, I thought why not give it a try. I chose black Corian as the material. In order to succeed I knew that I would have to go pretty thin using a slimline kit. In the process I got a little too thin at nib end. To compensate I trimmed the nib and clip ends and added some purple acrylic. Now I had an additional challenge in order to make the result somewhat respectable. This resulted in going even thinner but It did stay in one piece. The diameter of the barrel is 8.9mm compared to the tube OD of 6.8mm, leaving a wall thickness of 1.05mm including the polyurethane glue. I did not set out to go so thin and I likely would have had less success using wood. Perhaps I will give wood a try! Please see attached final result.