My Pens On Display

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Jan 15, 2005
Marion, OHIO, USA.
As I have mentioned in a few post, I suffer from Early Onset Parkinson's Disease. Back in July I think it was I submitted pictures of a couple of my pens to be considered for display at the World Parkinson Congress to be held in Washington D.C. February 22-26 2006.

This morning I checked my email and found this:

Dear Greg,
On behalf of the Creativity and Parkinson’s Disease committee we would like to extend our congratulations. Your artwork submitted in the category of Jewelry/Craft, has been selected for display at the World Parkinson Congress (WPC) in Washington, DC from February 22-26, 2006.

Sharon Stone
David Aigner
Michele Torrecilla

Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
Creativity and Parkinsons Project
1359 Broadway, Suite 1509
New York, NY 10018

The Crotch Cherry & the Cocobolo Cigar pens in my photos were the two pens I entered
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Congrats Gred, that is fantastic [:0] I can appreciate this as I was a regular reader on the foudation's news letter for years. My pop got Parkinsen at an early age, about 40. I watched the disease run threw the whole course with him as he was in my care for his last 7 years. I truly hope the meds work for you and they can come up with a fix. Happy Thanksgiving
Thanks Anthony, compared to some of your pens mine are nothing special. The medications work somewhat. At least I can still work on the lathe for now.

Thank you for sharing this with us. You should be justifiably proud of yourself, both for your art and for the inspiration you provide for others with health issues. I wish you the very best, and hope that medical science helps to keep you at the lathe.
Acoolades and exultations.!
I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you at times and what you do to overcome those difficulies is inspiring.
Greg, that's AWESOME! Will you post more info on the exhibition? Will you be in DC during that time? If so, please get in touch; several of us are local, and we're all happy to meet up with fellow pen-turners! Heck, if you're nice to us, we might even stand around your display and tell everyone how nice they look! [:D]
Thanks everyone for your kind comments and support.
Jim - It's The World Parkinson Congress. At the Washington Convention Center February 22 - 26, 2006. This is where all facets of Parkinson's come together. Doctors, Researchers, Caregivers and People with the disease.
Right now, I don't know if I will be able to go. It depends on how many pens I can sell between now and then. You just don't make much money on Social Security Disability.
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