My latest pens

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Feb 6, 2025
Harris County Texas
Good morning folks, I've been working steadily with the lathe, learning as much as I can. I have settled on a decent finishing process using Mylands sanding Sealer, Yorkshire Grit & Mylands friction Polish. I really like the results. I like the CA finishes as well. I apoligize for the lousy photos. I need to work on that process too.
Also developed a bad habit of not remembering the type of wood used. I'm not good at keeping notes.

thanks for lookin


this is a Dura Click EDC, Burnt Bronze with a a mostly Gold & blue acrylic barrel. I've made several of these EDC's and freinds and neighbors like them.

Dura Click EDC.jpg

This is a Slimline Pro. my first attempt with segments. Might be Mango wood, not sure

Slimline Pro.jpg

This pen is Called Stratus. Its similar to the Dura Click EDC. Nice & heavy duty feeling, I know for certain this is Zebra Wood from my trip to Rocklers in Houston.

Nice! I really like the DuraClick EDC but I feel like I always have to keep tightening them up. After a day in my pocket or just general usage I feel like I need to twist tight the tip and/or click mechanisms. Is that just me?
Very Nice collection. I like the DuraClick EDC kits - I never realized it until seeing your picture, but the detail on the knurled tip/nib kind of reminds me of the PenPal (aka Peter Hay) style of pen with those kind of details. That sure looks like Mango to me too. - Dave
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