Is it for you, or to sell? For you, do as you prefer.
To sell - make it as shiny as you can. GluBoost or other CA. There are other clear finishes you "could" use for a different shine, but lacquer, or polys or other - could cause reactions such as softening/disolving of some parts, or leaching and blurring colors. CA has generally been the best inert finish for a conglomerate of different materials and dark or red woods.
While you didn't ask for this, one of the best ways to prepare a multi color and multi material blank for finishing is not with sandpaper. Use a very sharp scraper or even a skew laying on it side and turn the lathe on 2500 - 3000 and barely scrape the outside edges clean. There are a few who do this with using the skew in the normal way. Sandpaper (SP) smooths the blank but it SMEARS it also. Wiping with DA or using an eraser does some good but not nearly as clean as a very controlled scraping action at high speeds. Soft woods won't do well unless it is stabilized. Hard wood and hard cast material and metallic bands work well and as smooth as using 600 or more SP. DO NOT be tempted to sand or it will only smear again. In some cases, if using a scraper on some cast materials, a negative rake scraper or carbide insert might be more effective.
IF you add CA, add a thick enough coat that you do NOT sand through the CA to the blank, or it will be noticeable, even if you go back and add more coats of CA after.