I have had the opportunity to meet a few famous people like Colin Powell, Dan Quayle, Vince Flynn (Author), Clyde Drexler (NBA star). Who is the most famous person you have had the pleasure or displeasure of meeting?
Billy Cannon, the last Heisman Trophy winner from LSU. Met him twice, once as a kid, and once as an adult. The awe I felt was the same!
The Current Prime Minister of Canada (I know, where is that) Stephen Harper. I gave him one of my pens.
Oh, and Stevie... He's really famous in some parts of the world. He acted on the TV series Mentors, and the movie Ginger Snaps. I usually hang out with him playing video games and such once a month or so. We have an unwritten rule. We don't talk to each other about work. I usually dont' want to talk about mine as I most times spend 12-14 hours a day and 6 days a week at work. Last thing I want to do is talk about work. He wants to feel like a normal guy, not a celebrity, so I dont' ask about his work.