MM your cell phone?

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Dec 30, 2007
Springfield, MO, USA.
The other day the screen of my cell phone got scuffed pretty good. The screen is clearly some sort of plastic material. I was thinking about micromeshing it to remove the scuff (and other small scratches that I have been ignoring).

Anyone tried this? Does it work? Any tips? I use my phone about a billion times a day for calls, e-mails, etc and don't want to make it worse. Thanks.
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I don't see why it would not work. From reading about MM, it seems to be used in the airplane industry to remove scratches from windows. I would test it on a similar plastic first though to see how it reacts as the material in cell phones is softer than that of plane windows.
MM was developed to remove scratches from the plexiglass canopies of gliders. you might want to look at the web site to find out just how it works best. I have heard of people restoring CD's with MM.
As stated earlier its use is in the aircraft industry for windscreens, so yah it works super for plexi and other polycarbonite materials. So phones, cds, plexi, CA, and Enduro finishes on pens to name a few.
I repaired some cd's with it. Chucked them in the lathe and went to work. I'm sure it would work great on the cell phone, but you would have to do it by hand and not get water into the phone.
I took my cell phone to the buffer once or twice and cleaned it up that way. The phone I used was a G'zone and could take abuse. The micromesh sounds like it would work too.
I tried to clean my nephews spare Instinct with it and it did not work out the way we hoped. Maybe I used the wrong kind of buffing compound at the end, but it left it kind of cloudy looking. Let us know how it works out for you.
I tried to clean my nephews spare Instinct with it and it did not work out the way we hoped. Maybe I used the wrong kind of buffing compound at the end, but it left it kind of cloudy looking. Let us know how it works out for you.

As soon as I get my micromesh I'm going to sand the screen on my blackberry. It's getting horrible.
I think the screen on his insticnt was a different kind of plastic since it is a touchscreen....don't know, but since it was scratched in multiple places it really didn't matter as it couldn't look worse.
Better solution

The other day the screen of my cell phone got scuffed pretty good. The screen is clearly some sort of plastic material. I was thinking about micromeshing it to remove the scuff (and other small scratches that I have been ignoring).

Anyone tried this? Does it work? Any tips? I use my phone about a billion times a day for calls, e-mails, etc and don't want to make it worse. Thanks.
I think a better solution to the scratches(I personally use this method) Soft cloth and Brasso metal polish. Works wonders on watch faces as well.
I have heard it working on CDs. I would be careful if you are using water though. if you do use water, I would take the battery out in case something gets wet that isn't supposed to.

Ah, just use double stick tape and slap it on a face plate!!! : )

...or, I suppose you could just do it by hand.
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