Without a doubt, you will find more people recommend the Incra's more than any other. I have used them and handled them for years. However there is one other brand that is every bit as accurate and much more robust than any of the Incras - the Woodhaven miter guage here:
I have the one with the fence purchased in '95. When you handle an Incra and then handle a Woodhaven (WH), it is like changing from a steel framed saw to a cast iron - solid and robust! There is that much difference in the robustness and it is every bit as accurate. In '04 or '05, FineWoodWorking did a review comparison and the WH beat out the Incras by a noticeable margin.
The WH are more expensive but they are more robust and durable. Plus, if you need 50° angles, you can do them. In fact it can rotate 180° - 90° per side, even though most skilled wworkers make their own jigs for this. But if you want accuracy at odd angles without jigs, this one is made for you!
Be sure to look at the fences that go with them:
Not cheap but neither is a RR. Even better, the WH is the LSU of miter gauges! :biggrin: (Hey, you gotta know your audience!) :biggrin: This brand will take some misgivings and be around for your woodworking grand children to inherit.
Edit: After reading John T's recommendations, I will say that if you have the WH, then all you have to worry about is the BS drift. Also, the WH has adjustment screws for precision alignment of the bar. (I think the Incras have this feature also, but not sure.) By the way, these will fit standard band saws and table saws.