Midwest Penturning Gathering 2010

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Oct 4, 2005
Sadorus, IL.
The date for the 4th Annual Midwest Penturning Gathering has been set for Saturday, April 17th. Mark your calendars as you don't want to miss it! This one day event is packed with informative demonstrations, vendors, and conversation, all centered around our common interest. And don't forget the awesome door prizes!!!

2010 is already promising to be better as has happened with each successive event! 2009 saw over 75 attendees from 8 states as far away as Washington and 2010 is looking to become our first internationally attended event!!!! We have also seen an increase in the amount of vendors attending which helps to make this event what it has become. And as always, admission to this event is free of charge!!!!!!!!!!

More information will be posted as it unfolds. Updates may also be viewed at http://www.thempg.webs.com/

Here's to seeing you there!!!!

Greg "cozee" Cozad
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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Thanks for giving us plenty of advance notice. I wanted to go last year but had conflicting plans. I plan to mark my calendar so that I will make sure I am free to attend this one.
It is my sincere goal to attend one of these again. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it will be this one.:frown:

Seems I just might make it to Texas for the Firey Foods Festival (been trying for the last 7 years or so!!) before you make it back up here. If I do, I'll bring ya some poppers!!!!
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The main reason for setting the date as early as we did is that the MPG has been handed over to our local wood turning club. I chair the committee (as this was their requirement before they committed) but there definitely isn't as much riding on Terrence and my shoulders to get this event planned, ran, and put to bed.

I mentioned international attendeance. There has been confirmation of intent to attend from Canada. There is also rumor of live televideo feeds from down under!!! This is something we can work with about any country so if any of our international fellow pen turners are interested, contact me.
It is my sincere goal to attend one of these again. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it will be this one.:frown:

Sorry to hear that Billy, The last one I attended, I learned how not to CA glue my finger while making denim blanks on the lathe. Thanks for the nice demo.
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