Micro-management in oklahoma, long

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Oct 2, 2007
Tulsa, Ok., USA.
The government is getting worse by the day. I pulled an older Nissan pick-up off the road as it was getting a little ragged. Yesterday a dingbat broadsided my wife and totaled the car. Fortunately she was not hurt. I went to the tag office with my insurance forms for the Nissan and was told that to put the truck back on the road I had to get a letter from the insurance agent that my insurance is in effect, it must list year make model and VIN # or they would not issue a tag or decal for it.
She also advised me that if the police run a check over their equipment and no insurance verification was found on the states computer I would be given a ticket, ordered out of the truck, and the truck would be towed at my expense.
After three trips to my insurance agent and the tag office I still don't have a tag. I hand carried a letter from the insurance agent to the tag office only to be told it must be faxed to them but their fax machine has been down for several days.
If you recently bought a vehicle you might want to check that the insurance is on file with Department of Motor vehicles. Average price of tow and storage $200.00 plus $35.00 per day and you must provide proof of insurance through DMV computer before you can get your car / truck back. According to the person at the tag office most insurance companies are 3-6 months behind on reporting if the vehicle is insured to the state.
Not a real productive day. I will have to take my chances tonight with the truck as both my wife and I work and only have one legal car now.
I feel better now. But please if you live in Oklahoma check it out. This law could cost you a lot.


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I guess things aren't as bad in Ca as I thought. We have a similar law but our insurance companies can transmit the info directly into our state DMV database.
<snip>hand carried a letter from the insurance agent to the tag office only to be told it must be faxed to them but their fax machine has been down for several days.<snip>

That sounds exactly like my experiences with Oklahoma DMV! I think they must undergo some sort of training to be as unhelpful as possible. BTW, I've found the agent/staff at the Catoosa DMV to be more helpful than most. Same silly state form requirements but, in my experience, at least they correctly tell you what you need to bring back on the return trip!

I remember the days when all auto tags expired at the same time of year -- you had to wait in line for hours to be told you needed to bring something else.

Not sure if still true, but DMV agents were political appointments which meant you got some real incompetents operating the agencies. Also remember the local radio personality who ran the contest to see where you could get the lowest priced auto tag (it did pay to shop around!).
My interactions with the DMV here in CO has been nothing but great. So Cal was horrible (spent 6 months passing love notes between the DMV and the court when I was getting a ticket cleared and my suspended license reinstated), but here in CO they've been awesome.

I feel for you guys...
Welcome to the most frustration you'll have in one day at the OK. DMV, try getting a tag for a Street Rod.
I like the Arizona DMV attitude... they give you a driver's license that doesn't expire.. probably figure that all those old retirees moving out there aren't going to be around all that long anyway...:biggrin::biggrin:
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