Membership Cards?

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Would you be interested in an IAP membership card?

  • I want a card for zero cost

    Votes: 36 15.1%
  • I want a card and I'd pay $5

    Votes: 138 57.7%
  • I don't want a card

    Votes: 65 27.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
A few members have recommended that we ought to have membership cards. The only suggested use I've heard is to get discounts at retail locations. Additional suggestions are welcome in this thread.

This poll is to help us decide if it's worth the effort to make these available. I envision these would be nicely printed and laminated.

Thanks to PrinterTom (Tom Henry) for creating these samples. If we decide to offer membership cards, we'd go through some type of process and a poll to select the most popular design. These images are just rough ideas from Tom.


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I like the bottom one better, but just curious what is the purpose of these cards? Is this for simply identifying each other, or does it get us some potential benefits like a discount at certain vendors? Or is it just to be cool?

Seriously I am just curious.
Im not extremely active here but this would be of no use to me. I have never heard of any of my local stores mentioning a discount based on this website. If it is useful to others go ahead but don't go to too much effort unless someone can really use it.
I like the idea...The samples are both nice looking...If they have random #'s on them, they could also be used in drawing for the bash or other events. Just another idea :)
Are there any retailers that offer a discount to IAP members? I know they do to the Woodworkers Guilde or the Woodturners Guild, but I have not heard of one for IAP if they did that would be GREAT!
Our local Rockler store, which is actually located in WoodWerks gives a 10% or 15% discount to IAP members.
Voted, I also like the idea of having a number or other way to identify them with the card. I can think of all sorts of applications such as group buy participation, contest entry, swap entries etc. Would be easy to just pass your member number on if that number could then be tied to contacting them. But even just for doing drawings.
As for the "Only if it is worth something now" Type comment. I guess you can keep setting back while others do the work to make it of value. Or get up and help out. Sorry if that sounded rough. It is nearly not as rude as I want it to be. Sorry but that whole how you don't contribute but want more than those that do have have been able to put together just does not set with me.
I'm gonna agree with Daniel and a few others, at first there may not be much of a use for them, but it opens lots of possibilities in the future. Especially if there was an ID # that was tied to a members profile. Eventually that may pave the way for a few retailers to be WILLING to offer IAP discounts with some sort of assurance they were used by actual members. If each # had contact info (if the person was willing to submit it) that was kept out of public eyes in a secure database, then things such as bash prizes and stuff like that could be distributed by having the coordinator just submit the winners # to an administrator, and all the ship and contact info would be forwarded, aleviating the need for hundreds of thread posts and PM's trying to track everyone down...IMHO, for what it's worth
I'll pay for a card. I'll pay more for one stamped Life Member. Can they be plastic?

Why do the SF guys carry a coin or the 101st or any unit. I lost my wallet a couple years back and in addition to my original retired ID, I lost my I.O.O.B. membership card - value priceless. My card was plastic and issued by the Florida Chapter.

I worked with an Aussie Major, years back, instructing at Ft Rucker, AL. We attended a unit Hail and Farewell and as it rappped up I invited him for a couple of beers at my local hangout. Somewhere along the line I mentioned the I.O.O.B. and he pulled out his wallet and produced a dogeared scaloped card which read I.O.O.B. and his membership number was 100. The I.O.O.B. originated in Australia and their moto is "Illegitimus Non Carborundum".

It's a way to belong to a greater group.Something we forget in this world of me-me-me!

Count me In!!!!
Hummmmmmm if there's a ID #---that means personal info ----just something to think about.

That is true, but the level of personal info here would i would think be nothing more then a name and email address. if chose to.

As much as we all hate the term mailing lists, businesses live by them. if you have a list as this could provide, then it could be used to benefit both the site and the businesses, if done right.

Opp in for it, and then the members can get discounts at participating vendors, BUT what is in it for the vendor? large ones usually will not offer a group discount unless there are X amount of members and even then the company and or group usually pays Y amount to the vendor for the added benefit to their members.

Having the list like this can come in handy then to the vendor to use for specific marketing opportunities.

Now this is all very wide and vague but I think the gest of it is there.
I like it. I'm in. Benefits or not, it's a step in the right direct. IMHO.

Not only could there be benefits down the road, but it gives a perception of permanence, not just an internet web site. Not just a forum, an organization.
Voted, I also like the idea of having a number or other way to identify them with the card. I can think of all sorts of applications such as group buy participation, contest entry, swap entries etc. Would be easy to just pass your member number on if that number could then be tied to contacting them. But even just for doing drawings.
As for the "Only if it is worth something now" Type comment. I guess you can keep setting back while others do the work to make it of value. Or get up and help out. Sorry if that sounded rough. It is nearly not as rude as I want it to be. Sorry but that whole how you don't contribute but want more than those that do have have been able to put together just does not set with me.

Wow, I could feel the love way back here on the back row! :eek:
Sounds to me we are heading down the Pen Turner's Guild path. As far as discounts go who is offering discounts. None of the big players that I know of or else that would be discussed here. Our members offer discounts to the members of this forum and you have to be a member of the forum to be able to see these offers if I am correct. No visitors can see them. ( or I maybe wrong on this and if so then it should be that way) Not sure how having a number would help in a bash drawing. Pick a number or pick a name what is the difference. I don't see a any value in it other than saying I am a member of an organization. Hope this does not sound too crass but just stating an opinion as the way I see it.
Since IAP allows open access to membership without qualification, the membership card has dubious value. That doesnt mean that there isnt pride in belonging to the IAP. You could just as easily design a card, assign a membership Id and let those who chose to, print their own cards or add their membership number and the Iap logo to their own business card. Some members have indicated they dont even wish to disclose their membership to their customer base and for valid reasons. All though the vendors should see the value in advertising discounts to members of the Iap Since they are not allowed advertising space on the website there is no reason to believe a card will benifit the membership. Mike
Hummmmmmm if there's a ID #---that means personal info ----just something to think about.

Gary, Maybe not so much personal info. But at least contact info. From a view point of doing buys etc it becomes a nightmare to match user names with real name with the name they pay under (usually a spouse) Bugs would need to be worked out. Of course there are lots of suppliers that recognize and support the I.A.P. So hopefully that situation would improve as well.
This being a free website makes me think a charge for the card would add legitimacy to the project. Once vendors understand only the serious folks will participate I think they will be more willing to support the effort.

I'm on the fence about serial numbers. I doubt any vendor would care.
There is also the point that the vendors many whom participate and or monitor this site could easily start a thread that gave a promotion code to Iap members to use at Check out. This type of thread might have to be pre approved by the "POWERS THAT BE" before it was posted. I believe Exotic Blanks did just that. A member id number could just be assigned to members, It wouldn't necessarily have to have any other information attached. At least no more than is required now. Mike
What purpose would this card have? Other than the printer making money off of the idea. I vote no if a business elect to offer you a discount so be it! Just ask it does not hurt. All they sat is no
i don't have nearly enough money left in my wallet after all the pen goodies i have bought...a card might fill some of that space :biggrin: I'm in.
I think this is a reasonable idea. If it is decided to offer membership cards good. If you want one get one ,if you don't then don't. I don't see what a card could hurt.
My thoughts
To address the "why" question, in part.

The Wisconsin Chapter meets at Wood Craft. The store franchisee has offered us a discount at his store, any time we come in. However, he needs to be able to identify us as members.

We will be making an ID card. We got this deal, because one of our members PUT FORTH THE EFFORT to get it.

I'm in Daniel's camp on this one---want a purpose, go make one!!
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I'm one of the members that would never point my customers here and also can't see a reason for a membership card as the bigger distributors are at this time are not giving discounts to members so I only see that a card would just take up space in my wallet.

Since IAP allows open access to membership without qualification, the membership card has dubious value. That doesnt mean that there isnt pride in belonging to the IAP. You could just as easily design a card, assign a membership Id and let those who chose to, print their own cards or add their membership number and the Iap logo to their own business card. Some members have indicated they dont even wish to disclose their membership to their customer base and for valid reasons. All though the vendors should see the value in advertising discounts to members of the Iap Since they are not allowed advertising space on the website there is no reason to believe a card will benifit the membership. Mike
Pesronally I think we are over playing the discount idea.

Both the local Woodcraft and Rocklers give discounts to AAW members as well as several woodworking and woodturning clubs in the area. They also bombard us with promotional ads at least once a week, but sometimes twice a week.

When I visit either store, it doesn't matter what card you pull out of your wallet, they usually have at least a 10% sale on whatever it is you are after so other discounts don't apply. They have it so complicated where your club memberships don't apply to sale items, items being sold on tuesday mornings, after 2:00PM thursdays and during linch hours on even numbered days except mondays unless it's the second monday in the month!

So, it really doesn't matter if I have one club card or a dozen, If I want something I just say which groups I belong to then just ask what's the best price today!

As far as the card working with online vendors, as mentioned above, simply mentioning a discount code when placing an order would work just as well without the logistics of keeping up with a database of card members.

Other than just having a card for the novelty of it, I have yet to see one example where it would serve a purpose. "Someday it might come in handy" or "Maybe vendors will start giving discounts" or "Maybe this or maybe that" aren't reasons for a card.

As Jeff stated in his opening comments.... "Additional suggestions are welcome in this thread." So why not discuss and establish the need for a card first, then work out the logistics?
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I love how a simple idea here can go off in so many directions and heat up to such degrees. A card sounds easy, just like using the logo on your business cards, if you wish. Personal choice continues to be an option, no matter what. Belonging to a group is a human thing - that is why we all come here-common interests, build community, chat, etc.
"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!"

After reading most of the arguments, I don't think there's enough value for the effort someone would have to expend, with compiling, printing, mailing, reprinting ("my name was spelled worng!" :wink: ), etc. As others have said, if I need a discount, I can usually get one, either from a mailer on their checkout counter, or using my AAW card, or even using retailmenot(dot)com if ordering online.

So, one less card to clutter my wallet. As always, YMMV.
In reading through this thread, the question that kept coming to my mind is, "Why?" Not that the idea of a membership card is necessarily a bad thing, it isn't. I'm just not sure if there are enough valid reasons for one.

Here are some thoughts, in no particular order:

  • IAP is free
  • IAP is open to anyone who wants to join... Heck, you guys even took me. :biggrin:
  • I just logged off of IAP and then crawled around the site a little bit, and I can't find any "Members Only" areas, so why would someone have to be a member?
    • In crawling around as a "non-member" I see that Rockler is giving an IAP 10% discount online if you use a special code. This is posted in the "Vendor Liaison" section, and is available whether you are logged in or not. So as a "non-member" I can use that code and get 10% off of my next Rockler order.
  • Membership cards are cool, IF you have someone to show it to, or IF you have a NEED for a card. Otherwise, it's a cool looking bookmark.
  • If you're going to have a membership card, will it be required or optional?
  • Will there be card holder benefits in IAP itself? a "members only" area, or something like that?
  • In the past, the idea was tossed around to have a "members only" area where things like pricing, marketing, etc. could be discussed without having that information available to potential customers, apparently to help reduce the chances of a potential customer saying, "Oh yeah, well, I KNOW that you only paid X dollars for this kit and Y dollars for that blank, so it's only worth Z dollars." Perhaps a card and member number would be a good idea if we had an exclusive area that required those credentials to enter.
I guess after this rambling, I'd have to say that while the idea appeals to me, I'm not sure that there's a need or a justification for having one, at this time. Show me the justification and I'll gladly support it

There are things that exist simply because they do. I'm not sure that a membership card belongs in this category. :)
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