"Members In Need" questions

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Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
Please read this post with an open mind. It is meant to get people's input and opinion and hopefully give others a chance to air their comments/concerns if there are any.

I have been thinking about this and would like to hear other's thoughts.

We have a new forum for "Members In Need" and it is laudable that Jeff sanctioned it. I also praise William and Al for taking the responsibility (as moderators) on. I support it as much as most but I have some questions.

1. As well intended as it is, was creating the forum a knee jerk reaction and do we really need it?

2. Can we keep supporting someone in need or is it asking too much from our members who also support IAP?

3. Tom and Kelly deserve the support...but being international, there are probably hundreds, who need/deserve the help (maybe more) but are just not as known to us. If we continue this, how do we properly channel this effort to assist the right person/people? (w/o getting into cronyism)

NOTE: I am NOT questioning the credibility of either moderator.

4. How do we avoid/eliminate abuse?

I believe, helping one is better than not helping at all but I also don't want our members to feel uneasy if we end up asking too much from them. Though it is all voluntary and we are not forcing anyone, it might create an awkward environment to some IMHO.

Am I over analyzing? What do you think?
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First, I agree with Dario that it is commendable that members of the IAP are so generous.

I think Dario has asked some very good questions. I don't pretend to have any of the answers, if fact, all I have are more questions.

1. How do we determine what is a legitimate need?

2. How do we maintain consistency in determining who receives help so that we do not alienate members who feel they should have received help and didn't?

Like Dario, I think helping Tom and Kelly was a great thing. The questions are asked to determine where we go from here.

I received some personal emails about it and they brought more fine points (as well as questions) well worth discussing but due to the "sensitivity" of the subject matter, the members decided to email me instead of posting it.

That tells me I am on to something.
In today's society, we are constantly bombarded with requests for money, whether it is from your regular channeled advertising trying to convince you that you need a new car, direct mail for the orphans in Africa or phone calls from politicians wanting your contributions and support. GoodTurns was started as a way for my family to give more to charitable causes. We donate 10% of sales to a variety of charities/charitable situations (i.e. Tom and Kelly). I prefer to give to things that are important to me, my mother is a cancer survivor, so that issue hits close to home; my family has benefited greatly from Hospice, so they will always be on my list. If a need/request doesn't "speak" to me, I choose not to give, If it does, I do what I can.

While I would prefer that no one ever be in need, I also want the opportunity to help when I can. I believe that as long as we are presented with situations and not pressured to contribute, the forum is a great idea. If you don't want to contribute or even see the requests, don't go in the forum...no harm, no foul. My only request for any restriction would be that the postings stay in the MIN forum. I think we have identified a couple of reliable and prudent mods for the forum (wow, can't believe I said that;)) who will be appropriate filters for the requests.

Dario raises legitimate concerns, abuse is always possible (and not all are as obvious as the deposed Nigerian dictator who needs your help getting money out of the country!), but is also possible within "legitimate" charities. One possible "control" for both abuse and cronyism concerns is to create a review panel of volunteers who would go over any requests that the Mods question.

While we may need to fine-tune, I think we have identified a legitimate issue that can be of benefit where needed.
Originally posted by Dario

Please read this post with an open mind. It is meant to get people's input and opinion and hopefully give others a chance to air their comments/concerns if there are any.

I have been thinking about this and would like to hear other's thoughts.

We have a new forum for "Members In Need" and it is laudable that Jeff sanctioned it. I also praise William and Al for taking the responsibility (as moderators) on. I support it as much as most but I have some questions.

1. As well intended as it is, was creating the forum a knee jerk reaction and do we really need it?

2. Can we keep supporting someone in need or is it asking too much from our members who also support IAP?

3. Tom and Kelly deserve the support...but being international, there are probably hundreds, who need/deserve the help (maybe more) but are just not as known to us. If we continue this, how do we properly channel this effort to assist the right person/people? (w/o getting into cronyism)

NOTE: I am NOT questioning the credibility of either moderator.

4. How do we avoid/eliminate abuse?

I believe, helping one is better than not helping at all but I also don't want our members to feel uneasy if we end up asking too much from them. Though it is all voluntary and we are not forcing anyone, it might create an awkward environment to some IMHO.

Am I over analyzing? What do you think?

I don't have any answers Dario, but we are on the same page.
For me the answer to this issue is simple. If a "request" gets posted that I feel impressed to support, I will do what I can. If I don't feel particularly captured by the request, or feel like it borders on abuse, I'll ignore it. Simple as that and I don't loose any sleep over it. I trust the two moderators of this immensely so I doubt this will ever happen, but...;)
Originally posted by Dario

That tells me I am on to something.

Saying that you are "on to something' sort of gives it a sinister tone. Knowing Dario as well as we do, I know that isn't his intent. But, here's how I see it.

1. We anticipate the Member in Need Forum being used very little.

2. On the rare occasion when a request does come in, Cav and I will consider it very carefully. If we feel uncomfortable with a request, or we're uncertain about granting the request, we will contact a few members, anonymously, and ask their opinion.

3. If we are still in doubt, we'll decline the request and take the heat for the decision.

If we approve a request and post it . . . . you can do one of two things:

a. If you choose not to help out or you're not in a position to help .... then don't give.

b. If you are in a position to help out and you want to help ... then donate.

My vote is to keep the Members in Need Forum running. Let's see how it goes. We can always re-evaluate it with Jeff down the road. If you don't like the idea of having the forum .... then ignore it. It's okay.

As for me, IAP is a community that I proudly belong to and support. When a member of our community is in legitimate need of help . . . I want to be there to support that member. Each member can decide for him/herself.

Kindest regards to all.
Originally posted by DocStram

Saying that you are "on to something' sort of gives it a sinister tone.


What I meant about "being on to something" is that members have thoughts that are not expressed openly because it makes them uneasy.

That is the major point of the thread...asking if it creates an awkward environment for some (which I don't want to happen).

Since you have always been one of the first people in line to donate for causes, you certainly have the right to explore this question. Obviously you know my opinion since I am Moderating the forum.

Your questions are valid, and difficult to answer. If the forum becomes devisive or is abused, it will simply go away. I see it as a way to share. Many of use share in our own ways, and this is just another option. My initial idea to make the forum so restrictive was to make donations as private as possible, so no one would feel pressure to donate.

Thank you for your many donations, both to the IAP, and to me personally.
Your generosity is equalled by your philosophical consideration of matters important to us all.
I consider you one of many friends I've made on this forum.
You pose the difficult questions; I haven't yet formed my own answers.
Instead, I've set them aside to listen to my feelings.
And, like you, I've already been compelled to reach out.

For all the issues that could attend to such an undertaking, I'm fortified in my knowledge of the integrity and ethos held by Al & William.
Most importantly, to me, I'm in awe of the value of this community when real matters arise. Pen making, pen crafting, pen art -- call it what you will -- it's all for nothing compared to the value of this group when we're asked to look inside and rekindle our humanity toward one another.
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