May meeting

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Dec 18, 2010
Little Rock, AR
Just wanted to post a thread inviting everyone to our next meeting. It's scheduled for May 5th (yes that's Cinco de Mayo) so mark your calendar. The meeting will be held at my house and I live in west Little Rock very near where WalMart is on Hwy 10 and Chenal.
More details to follow but until then enjoy the early spring we are having!
John Pierce
Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Sounds fun, what are some demos going to be this go round?

Also, did we ever set a date on when our pens needed to be in by?

The early spring up and dissapeared like a fart in this very cold wind! You must have not been outside today before you wrote this, LOL.

I'll be there!

And your right Emerson, we didn't set a time for the pens to be done. Whenever is a good date. No need to mail them, guess the next meeting would be fine?

Scott (sinko what) B
2 things

Lets just bring the pens for service members to thsi scheduled meeting on 5/5. I made a couple this weekend (thanks Scott for the blanks) and am excited to make 8 more.
Second thing is we need to set up a few demos. Let me antie up by offering to do a small bowl (other things we make).
Who else is in to do a demo?
I agree, lets all try and get some pens for the troops done by the next meeting. I have 4 so far. And as soon as my order from timberbits gets here (with my new 7mm drill bits) I'll be able to make some more.

Did you know your drill chuck can come out of your tailstock:confused:. I do now. And then it breaks the blank . . . . . comes out and goes flying . . . . . . . knocks over a bowl of water with micromesh in it . . . . . . . . . which gets all of your tools wet . . . . . . . . . . and of course breaks your only 7mm drill bit.

OH I almost forgot . . . . . . . DAMHIKT!!!

I guess I could do a demo on this. Whoever want's to see this has to bring their drill bit of choice.:wink:
Suggestion for next meeting.

How about we have a short session of tips, and tricks of the trade. maybe if everyone has a unique way of doing something that they can show in 5 minutes or so. I have a couple in mind. It doesn't have to be elaborate, just something that you do to make life easier around the lathe, and/or penmaking.

EDIT: I won't be showing how to order a replacement 7mm drill bit in 5 seconds.
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You mean like using those plastic baggies to apply a CA finish, or maybe not picking your nose with fresh CA on your finger, or something like that?

Scott (like your thinking, get to the food faster) B
You mean like using those plastic baggies to apply a CA finish, or maybe not picking your nose with fresh CA on your finger, or something like that?

Scott (like your thinking, get to the food faster) B
Remember I said something you could show. But hey, it's your demo (meaning your nose):rolleyes:.

But yes, I think you've got the idea. I think Shawn should show us how to get $4000+ in grant money to setup a shop.:eek:
You mean like using those plastic baggies to apply a CA finish, or maybe not picking your nose with fresh CA on your finger, or something like that?

Scott (like your thinking, get to the food faster) B
Remember I said something you could show. But hey, it's your demo (meaning your nose):rolleyes:.

But yes, I think you've got the idea. I think Shawn should show us how to get $4000+ in grant money to setup a shop.:eek:

It's the Kickstart Program, the newspaper thing misquoted him. But it would still be interesting to know how to get pens into students hands without being 'the weird guy on the street corner'!

Scott (haven't scratched my nose since the last time) B
Possibly moving meeting date? Informal poll.....

I talked to Bob (Bsea) and he advised that a few members may not be able to make Saturday May the 5th. We want to have a good crowd so...
So I thought I would take an informal poll and ask would the weekend before or after (thats 4/28 or 5/12) work better?
Please reply and let me know if it matters to you one way or the other.
Thanks in advance!!
John Pierce
Bad about having to reschedule but would be awesome for me. I wanted to come to the last meeting but unfortunately had to be in St. Louis that weekend. I'll be in Destin FL the weekend of the 28th and possibly Chicago on the 5th. The 12th would be great for me, but do whatever you guys need to do.
You know long as I know before the month starts, I can get to the boss before he makes the schedule and get whichever Saturday is needed.

Sounding like the 12th?

Based on the folks who responded to the post, the 12th seems to be a good day. Unless someone tells me different, I think we should move to 5/12. Agree?
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