:biggrinlease post pictures of your pens and blanks for the May 2015 PITH here!!:biggrin:
So the theme is entertainment. is anyone following the theme? If there is a story behind the pens id love to hear it.
Stephen, just received his swap from Joshua Lyons. He was real excited about the pen and the blanks. The stripes in the pen are suppose to represent color of belt in Karate. Which, Stephen is into. Thanks Josh
Trying to post photos, but, the site isn't letting me. Will someone teach this old horse a new trick.
It stands for "Pen In The Hat."
I received my PITH pen from Jim Schumacher (Plantman) today. As usual, Jim knocked it out of the park.
The pen is a Rhodium Jr. Retro with a Texas Prickly Pear Cactus blank from Curtis Seebeck (Mesquiteman). I've admired photos unique blanks by Curtis, but I've never actually seen one of the blanks, let alone a pen made from them. Who'da thunk that I'd wind up getting a pen made with such a special Texas blank from a guy in Wisconsin. :biggrin:
The blank is a deep blue color, but the light has to hit it just right to see the depth of the blue color. Curtis is truly a master at making these kind of blanks & Jim did a superb job turning & finishing this one. The pen was housed in a walnut lift box that makes an excellent display stand. It's going to have a prominent place on my desk.
Jim also included two great blanks - a crosscut & dyed spalted oak blank and a Banksia Pod blank from George Valentine (Robutacion). Both are fabulous & I have some special plans for them.
On top of it all, Jim included a gift for my wife. It's a polyclay blank on a fancy copper slimline. My wife will truly be surprised & delighted with this. What's really amazing about this is that I also made a little gift for Jim's wife and neither of us mentioned that we were doing that.
Thanks Jim, this was a really fun PITH and I hope we get paired up again sometime down the road.
Christmas arrived on my doorstep yesterday from Sugar Land, Texas in the form of my PITH exchange from Edgar Ohmann ( edohmann). The more I unwrapped the box, the more items came into view. First was another box addressed to my wife. It contained the little bird house that Edgar had turned for her. She loved it !! Second was a sleeve holding a 4 CD Collector's Edition of That's Entertainment. Seems I heard those words somewhere in the PITH guidelines !!! Most of you out there are a little young to remember these 1970's shows. Third was the pen box holding my PITH pen which Edgar named "party Confetti". He was trying to get the look of the first fancy bowling balls that also came out in the 70's. I hope my photos show up the colors in this blank. On the bottom of the box were two so-called blanks of Camphor Wood, I would call them tree slabs myself, as I could make around 25-30 blanks out of them. I have them sitting on top of one of the display cabinets in my office, and the aroma fills the room. thank you Edgar, you did well !!! Jim S
Edgar .... Jim
Thanks for setting the bar stupid high for the rest of us pen hacks!
Seriously ... great job by you both!
Eric (Santaeric) you box is on the was and should be there soon. my theme is "Men at work" and the land down under as the blank is from there. I hope you enjoy.
Ok, the pen is off to New Mexico and Krash. The theme for this PITH was:
"That's Entertaining"
So going along with that theme, here is my clue for Krash...
Ok, the pen is off to New Mexico and Krash. The theme for this PITH was:
"That's Entertaining"
So going along with that theme, here is my clue for Krash...
The famous Mike honeycomb no doubt!
I received a fabulous fountain pen from Doug (alankulwicki7) last week and a plethora of blanks.
As this is my first PITH I was somewhat hesitant to deviate from the guidelines. I can see that in the future "creativity" is the rule rather than the exception with this group.
The FP is stone acacia and has a marvelous fit and finish.
I feel really inadequate now for following the "two blanks" suggestion as there a bunch of "interesting" pieces that I would have liked to share.
Thanks, Doug. You did a really nice job.
I'm glad Sophia likes her pen. Abby is looking forward to receiving her pen
Sophia received her pen last night from Doug's (alankulwicki7) daughter Abby. She loves it as it features her two favorite colors. She also got a nice supply of blanks and a special treat.
Thanks, your box will be on the way in the morning.
Got my package last night, just got done taking pics. LOVE both pens! Living in Wisconsin, it's not hard to guess which professional sportsball team I root for. Plus I can see Lambeau Field from my office so when I saw the GB pen I was pumped! I am now the envy of the office. I have yet to play around with the water transfer technique for pens and Cody did a great job on the logo. It is smooth and flush with the finish. It now hangs in a place of honor around my neck at work (ID badges have to be worn above the waist, I use a lanyard).
The second pen is a beautiful segmented pen with a Schmidt roller ball insert. That thing writes like a charm and feels good in the hands. That is now my desk pen, replacing an old .30 bolt action I made 2 years ago.
Then he sent, not one, not two, but THREE blanks!!
Box elder, a Brooks blank, and (my favorite blank) a home cast blank with a Green Lantern stamp. I can't wait to get that on a pen kit. I've been toying around with ideas for a Justice League pen set....this may factor into those plans!
Thank you thank you thank you Cody! You have made my first PITH event a great one! I only hope my package does not disappoint!