MAPG Demo Update

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Passed Away Dec 28, 2021
In Memoriam
Mar 8, 2006
Richmond, VA, USA.
Just heard from BradG that unfortunately he will not be able to demo at this year's MAPG. The good news though, is that in preparation for his visit, we have all the equipment needed for the anodizing portion and if you don't mind looking at my face a little longer, should be able to perform the demonstration although without the accent. Some other ideas still in the works so stay tuned. We still have an exiting couple of days planned.

And now it looks like Pete and Marla may take the long distance prize.:smile:
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I think back to when Charlie started pen turing and got involved with pen swaps. He and Marla were swap partners twice and Marla really helped build Charlie's confidence with pen turning and participating in swaps. I can't wait to meet Pete and Marla in person!
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