mapg curious

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Wish I could go to this just to meet the people we "see" on here all the time. Hopefully there will be lots of pictures with names in the captions so we can put names with the faces and "attend by proxy".
Have a great time!
Updated Events Schedule!

Wish I could go to this just to meet the people we "see" on here all the time. Hopefully there will be lots of pictures with names in the captions so we can put names with the faces and "attend by proxy".
Have a great time!

:biggrin: Just for you Bob (and anyone else interested), I did update the event schedule with more detailed descriptions of this year's events at Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering 2014 - MAPG Event Schedule

If you look at the archived photos from 2013, you can also see many of the same people who will be attending this year.

Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering 2014 - MAPG Sitemap
Wish I could go to this just to meet the people we "see" on here all the time. Hopefully there will be lots of pictures with names in the captions so we can put names with the faces and "attend by proxy".
Have a great time!

:biggrin: Just for you Bob (and anyone else interested), I did update the event schedule with more detailed descriptions of this year's events at Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering 2014 - MAPG Event Schedule

If you look at the archived photos from 2013, you can also see many of the same people who will be attending this year.

Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering 2014 - MAPG Sitemap

Thanks Tina! Looking forward to "meeting" everyone.....maybe next year you can move the MAPG out here (nothing wrong with that concept, huh?)
Before Bruce jumps in on this move "concept" I can diplomatically state I'm sure there are many wonderfully talented folks on the west coast who can make a WPG happen...
So far we have 92 people that have registered and a few other locals I just spoke to who will also be there. This is very close to the registration number from last time a few weeks before the event. If the same things happens this time, about 80% of those registered will actually show and about 60 more who just show up will be there.

As for moving the venue, I think that while we will stay local, the thirst for these type events seems to be there and there is no reason why it wouldn't be successful anywhere. Its amazing how far some folks will travel. All you need is a few leaders and people will come. Any of us involved with either the MPG or MAPG I'm sure will be happy to help with the planning.
Before Bruce jumps in on this move "concept" I can diplomatically state I'm sure there are many wonderfully talented folks on the west coast who can make a WPG happen...

No no no.......not a name change (WPG ?) just a change of scenery, kinda like the Superbowl. And don't forget, Utah is the excitement capitol of the world. At least we have great skiing! Just think of it as the MAPG takes a road trip.....I'll fire up the BBQ and the coffee pot at my house!
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