MAPG Contests

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hard hat

Mar 25, 2012
Norfolk, VA
Hello All!

This year at MAPG we have so much planned, it promises to be an amazing event. So without further ado, here are the events.

1. Kit pen contest. This is purely as it sounds, make a really good looking kit pen. No modifications are allowed, just a beautiful pen. Pay close attention to the fit and finish and you'll be halfway there. Get into matching the blank to the kit and you're even closer.

2. Modified pen contest. This is a little more complicated, but not much. It has to start with a pen kit. Then modify it to meet your liking. There must be TWO (2) identifiable parts from the same pen kit. If using a slimline kit this could be the nose cone and transmission. If using a Cigar kit, it could be the the nose cone and clip. You get the idea.

Those are the only rules specific to either contest. Here are some pretty standard rules that apply to both contests.

1. The pen which you enter into the contest can NOT have been entered into any other contest or shown in any public venue at any time prior to this event. This would be on MAPG, another pen site, FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, your personal website, ETSY, eBay, or the like. If anyone can google it and find it, you're in the wrong.

2. There are no social, genetic, age, gender, skill level, or height restrictions for entry to either contest. Only that the person entering the pen actually made the pen.

3. You may only enter ONE pen into EACH contest.

4. There will be a double-blind entry and judging into each competition, with an entry form provided to you upon delivery of the pen.


Prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
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1. The pen which you enter into the contest can NOT have been entered into any other contest or shown in any public venue at any time prior to this event. This would be on MAPG, another pen site, FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, your personal website, ETSY, eBay, or the like. If anyone can google it and find it, you're in the wrong.

Dang that rule makes for a small dilemma for me assuming I get time to make something. I was planning to post whatever I brought on another forum or two just to make sure I could prove to Customs that my pens were not purchased in the States by the posting date of the thread.

Hmmm. Guess I'll have to think of something else.
Curly, take the pictures of what you bring, then burn on a cd. They should accept the file creation date on the cd as well as the date photo taken. Or you can also e-mail them to yourself before you leave.

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