Guess there just ain't no satisfying us humans when it comes to the weather...Every March finds me and my wife heading to Florida, (Daytona) for bike week. Left the wonderful southwestern Pennsylvania w/five inches of snow and snot freezing temps....scratch taking the bikes...we have a car for elements such as these, so off we went in our over the second mountain peak in West by Golly and saw no more snow...about three hours in Daytona, shorts, tee shirt yada, yada, and says I to the wife,"man I'm hot." Remembering what I left behind, I wanted to smack myself. said that to her too...she offered to do it for me, but I declined...she would have had way too much fun.You know how those Irish women are. But Mr. Cavanaugh, do not despair, won't be long till we are able to rumble through your valley on our way to the HD events. Ground Hog Day? 50 years ago on Feb the 2ooth, my wife and I were married...that seems to have worked. Kinda nice to have so many good folks celebrating "our" day. Our secret to a happy marraige is among other things, we ride separate motorcycles, and, I've never won an argument. Yeppie, His 'N' Hers- Harleys, BMWs & Hondas. NO car or pick-up truck sits under shelter at our house.[8D]