Losing a 150 YO friend today

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Nov 27, 2005
New Albany, MS, USA.
The big red oak that has stood guard over my front yard for many years is coming down today:frown:


That's me in front of the tree, just so you can tell how big it is. More pics coming later.
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I would ride the bus. They are more lenient about luggage. Lots of funny looks when you get off the bus with that load though.I can just hear it now!

"Where ya headed?"

"To a Buddies house for a few days"

"Oh yeah. Going on vacation huh?"

"No Sir, I am going to help him cut up a tree in his yard."

"What for?"

"A big bag full of matchsticks on steroids.".....
Some of you folks that cut lumber may can give me some advice here, I can"t find a sawmill to take this tree. It is 52" at the base (and don't get much smaller as you go up) and they told me that the biggest log they cut is 48". Is that common? Have any other ideas on how I might get some lumber out of this monster. I sure would hate for this to become firewood, but that's what's gonna happen if I don't figure out something quick. My wife says it has to get out of the driveway. Two fellas that cut and sell firewood are wanting it bad, but I'm trying to hold out and see if I can get some lumber out of it. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Yeah, but look what a mess i gotta clean up!
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Anybody want to swap some chainsaw time for some wood?lol

It sure looks like a lot less wood BEFORE you cut it down, huh? Somewhere between "timber" and "thump" it seems to multiply very quickly! I recently learned that lesson the hard way.
Good luck....
It would be a crime for that to end up as firewood. Furniture would be a much more fitting way to commemorate the passing of such an old friend. Furniture, platters, bowls, peppermillls, bottlestoppers, yo-yo's, handles for all of your chisels, OH!, and PENS too.

I don't know anything about sawmills, but it seems like there would have to be a way around a 4" difference (52 vs. 48)
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