Looking for Whitetail Antler

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Sep 2, 2011
Mount Wolf, PA
I am working on a fairly large pen order and should it come through I will need quite a bit of Whitetail antler. Does anyone know of a good source?
Thanks in advance!
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I buy it by the pound from Ed at Exotic Blanks. Just got in a package before the holiday and turned 3 pens requested for Xmas gifts.
Do you have a deer processor in your area? I get a lot of mine from them, there are a lot of hunters that actually don't take the antlers. I usually wait until the hunting season is over. Bare in mind that it is best to let freshly antlers dry for at least 1 year. I wish you were closer, I could help you out.
I have a bunch. How much do you need and do you want it processed in advance to round and sanded? If so, the cost would be up more than just a basic piece. P.
Thank you Philip - If this deal comes through it probably won't be until mid-January to finalize - I won't need it processed! I have another guy with a bunch too - but will update you when I get it finalized.
that will be a little pricey! Will need enough for up 80 pens!
I just turned my first 2 antler pens a couple of weeks ago.

There's not a chance in hell I'd agree to turn 80. That's some fussy material. Maybe check your local FB Marketplace?

I wish you luck!
I am working on a fairly large pen order and should it come through I will need quite a bit of Whitetail antler. Does anyone know of a good source?
Thanks in advance!
Be careful it's illegal to buy, trade, sell or barter any parts of Pa white tail
So you are saying its illegal to sell whitetail antler pens in PA or only those made with antler from PA deer?
I don't do any craft shows etc in PA - probably 90% of my pens are sold outside of PA and I believe that a 100% of them are from antler acquired outside of PA. (My son from MO provides it.) Probably 95% of my pens are sold on my website.
It's a long story, but in the pa game commission hand that is stated.
Too, in talking to a GMC officer he told me the same thing
Now if I bought them from out of state, I would get from the seller stating the deer were
Taking legally and keep the sellers info and a copy of the receipt in my cash box at all times
Read between the lines
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