I am looking for the red, white, and blue wood. Does anyone know who might be selling this. Notice the diagonal cuts in it. Thanks.
It is not any type spectraply that I have seen sold any more. I have many of the woods you posted and have also ordered many sheets for basket work. As someone mentioned this was once sold by Craftsupply but it is diagonal cut red white and blue piece that I had shown. I do not know how they made this and probably is too labor intensive to still handle. But I am hopeful. Thanks.That is spectraply. I still have some...I can see if I have some of the red/white/blue. You can get it here
SpectraPly Turning Blanks
Add some color and fun to your lathe with SpectraPly! SpectraPly is a premium grade dyed birch veneer laminate made right here in the USA. CWP is providing woodturners with an eco-friendly project blank made to last!www.cwp-usa.com
or here
SpectraPly Wood
SpectraPly wood is made in the USA from veneered layers of premium yellow birch that have been brightly dyed. Spectraply blanks offer a unique turning experience that yields high quality, vibrant projects! The veneers are dyed under extreme pressure for full penetration of the dye throughout...www.cookwoods.com
Google it for other sources.
Yes that is the site that I saw what looks like what I wanted. I can not find a way to contact them to ask. If they had it I am sure they would have had it in their catalog. As it says on that page they came from the burned down factory that was never picked up.Aztec spectraply
7/8 x 7/8 x 5.25 This is a discontinued item,once it is gone it will never be back. The factory that made this in Italy caught fire back in the 90s and never rebuilt.oakbrookwoodturningsupply.com
Thank you very much. I will try him there. Maybe even has more stuff I may want. I like things I never seen before.There is a "send message" button on this page
Oakbrook Wood Turning Supply
Oakbrook Wood Turning Supply. 834 likes. Domestic and exotic wood for sale Resin casting Custom milling offeredwww.facebook.com