Looking for miracles

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Nov 20, 2007
Nr Vancouver, BC
I have spent the last few weeks running myself ragged trying to keep my mind occupied so that I don't slip into a big black hole from which I can't get out. Other than a brother in Canada, my family are all still in the UK. In January I received an email telling me that my niece had cancer and my sister was in hospital as well because she couldn't eat.

My niece is only 29 and had her 1st baby in the summer. It looks as if everything went well with her and they managed to get all the cancer without damaging any vocal cords. Time will tell.

My sister, 46, kids 16 & 15, had been unable to eat for a couple of weeks and so she ended up in hospital at the same time as my niece. We were all very concerned about my niece as we wondered what was wrong with my sister. I really never gave her any serious thought. Test after test was taken and they diagnosed her with having a gastric band around her stomach...though they could see 'somthing' the cancer tests came back negative. More tests and a couple of weeks later they decide to operate to remove the 'something'...but they were not able to operate because the tumour they found was too big, it was indeed cancerous, and the cancer had spread to her other organs. They gave her 1-2yrs

We are a large family, I have 9 siblings and numerous nieces, nephews, great nieces & nephews.....and my niece and my sister are the first time anything has been wrong with us. I spoke with my B-I-L today; after another cancer specialist she was told she has less than a year.

I don't know how to cope. My siblings and I have all fallen apart while my sister is trying to hold us all together and telling us to be positive. I can't get through my day without falling apart and crying deeply - one of the fortunate things about being unemployed is I don't have to try and make it through a work day.......I will be going to Manchester as soon as I find out when they want me....I could go now but I don't want to be a burden.....the kids know their mother is sick, but they don't know the full extent.

Sometimes I can't breath and I can't think a logical thought to save my life. I have been getting myself so busy that I am exhaused and can't sleep. Anyway, this isn't about me.....it's about my kid sister.......of all of us, she is the only one who is religious. For those that pray, please include my sister in your prayers. For those that don't please include my sister in your blessings.

I am looking for some miracles.
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Wow that is alot happening all at once. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and all your family. Things like this really try one's inner self. Cancer is just about in everyones lives in some capacity and it really puts a strain on the entire family so please be strong and we as a family here will be praying for you. Miracles do happen.
Lifting you in prayer, Ruth, as well as your sisters, and your whole family. May peace, love, hope and grace as well as healing encompass your whole family.
Oh man, talk about tough. You have my strongest thoughts Ruth. My 48 year old younger brother passed away this past April with colon cancer. It too had spread, everywhere except his brain. Even that was not spared in the end. Tumors in the liver were the tough ones. Once you loose that filtering organ, you don't last too long. He lasted 54 weeks after the diagnosis. I think he was the strongest of the entire family. Please spend as much time with her as you can. Borrow money if you must to be with her, you won't ever regret it. I tried to do that, and we spent a lot of time remembering the good times of our youth. Those conversations are the only comfort I have from his horrible journey. I'm still not over his passing, but I know his spirit had completed it's journey. I wish you strength in this incredibly trying time.
Ruth, you and your family are in my thoughts. I know from experience that dealing with a loved one suffering from cancer while you are on the other side of the world is not easy.
It is coming up on two years since my brother lost his fight with cancer. His started in the colon and went from there. He fought it for over a year until it got him. It was a tough road, but he faced it with alot of courage and grace.

I wish that I could give you advice that helps you, but there really isn't any. In our case, we spoke frankly about the cancer and tried our best to keep positive. There was no point in letting him see me lose it, so he never saw that. I tried my best to give him support, be a sounding board as he needed it, and make sure that his will was carried out when the time came. That's all I could do.
I just spoke with my sister and when I told her that my woodturning family were sending prayers and blessings for her, she was astonished and very, very, grateful. She sends her thanks.

And you will always have mine.


Miracles do happen Believe me. It was a miacle that we found mycancer early. After 2 surgeries and now doing my chemo just toclean things up I should be clean. Its had on everyone but keep the faith. You and your family will be closer than before . You are in my prayers Rich H.
Boy, that's rough. Words, any words, fall short here. Just know that there is a tremendous power in the Universe, and if you can tap into that, anything is possible. Sending affirmative thoughts your way Ruth. All Blessings to you and those around you that are in need.

How 'bout a Hug?!!!


I have no words of comfort. I wish I did, for being so very far away must be extremely difficult. We have no idea why such trials happen to good people, and I believe that we are not intended to understand.

You and your sister, especially you since I know you, are in my heart and thoughts.
It is with sadness that I read about your family's trials at this time. I hope that your sister gets the best medical care possible, that she is comfortable at all times and that your can experience all of the love and energy of your love for each other. Please keep her teenagers in the loop, for they will know, but won't know how to deal if people aren't honest with them. It will affect them for the rest of their lives. I work with this age group and they do best when told the truth. Plus it will allow them to be an integral part of the experience. They will astound you. My thoughts and my positive energy will be directed toward you and your family. I hope that you get to spend time with her and your family as much as possible. I have a feeling that your visiting will not be a burden, but a gift. May the light flow through you and yours.
Thank you from my heart to yours. I have spent hours on the net trying to find flights that don't take 16-20hrs for a 9 hr flight. I am going to head into a travel agent and have them do it.

Thank you for your prayers and blessings. I know that they all help move the energy and the power.

In my other life, I'm a psychotherpaist. You're dealing with more than one person can handle, even with miracles. Remember what the stewardess says on an airplane? "If we need oxygen, a mask will drop in front of your face. Put your own mask on first before you try to help anyone else." Get to a doctor and a competent therapist. There are tools to help you get through this. This is the time to get them.

I'll be praying for you!

I'm very sorry to hear of the terrible difficulty you're going through with the illness in your family. Please know that you and your family will be in my prayers.

Jim Smith
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