Looking for Craft Supplies pen bushing 155-7999

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Tuba Bill

Dec 22, 2021
Mt Prospect, IL
Recently received 10 Classic Euro Pen kits only to find out the bushings are no longer available from Craft Supply. The cross reference list indicates that it is bushing set 155-7999. Does anyone have a set to sell or loan for a short period of time?


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There are videos on how to make your own. I made some from HDPE. I got at the recycling center. Local company was dumping a bunch of pieces.
Hi Bill and Greetings from Nebraska!

I am assuming that the kits you are talking about are manufactured by "Legacy Woodturning" which is one of the common brand sold by Craft Supply. If so, I found a reference to the bushing dimensions that look like the following:

Bushing #1 = 0.405 inches (Cap)
Bushing #2 = 0.405 inches and 0.424 inches (stepped center bushing)
Bushing #3 = 0.357 inches (Nib)

You should be able to confirm by measuring the parts of the kit that would mate up with the turned blank. (Except for the 0.405 dimension on the center bushing as the blank gets turned to the diameter of the center band with a tenon turned down to the 0.405 dimension).

According to information I found, a relatively close match would be the PKMONT-BU bushings from PSI. Here is the comparison of the nominal dimensions according to the spec. sheets between Legacy and PSI: (Note: The minor differences of a couple of thousandths of an inch are probably well within the manufacturing tolerances of the bushings)

Legacy #1 = 0.405, PSI = 0.407 (only ²⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Legacy #2 = 0.405, PSI = 0.405 (Identical)
Legacy #2 = 0.424, PSI = 0.426 (only ²⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Legacy #3 = 0.357, PSI = 0.360 (only ³⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Good Luck,

PS. PSI also sells PKMONT-BUX which is a "Sizing Sleeve Bushing Set". It essentially replaces the center band and is used to make turning to the proper dimensions for the body and tenon easier. Since the dimensions between Legacy and PSI look so close, this might be worth a try in addition to the PKMONT-BU bushings. Most of the reviews were very positive and said it helped quite a bit. The reviews also provide a little better insight as to how it works.

PSS. I think Turner's Warehouse may have the same bushings as Craft Supplies for the Euro kit if you want to go for the exact match. - Dave
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Hi Bill and Greetings from Nebraska!

I am assuming that the kits you are talking about are manufactured by "Legacy Woodturning" which is one of the common brand sold by Craft Supply. If so, I found a reference to the bushing dimensions that look like the following:

Bushing #1 = 0.405 inches (Cap)
Bushing #2 = 0.405 inches and 0.424 inches (stepped center bushing)
Bushing #3 = 0.357 inches (Nib)

You should be able to confirm by measuring the parts of the kit that would mate up with the turned blank. (Except for the 0.405 dimension on the center bushing as the blank gets turned to the diameter of the center band with a tenon turned down to the 0.405 dimension).

According to information I found, a relatively close match would be the PKMONT-BU bushings from PSI. Here is the comparison of the nominal dimensions according to the spec. sheets between Legacy and PSI: (Note: The minor differences of a couple of thousandths of an inch are probably well within the manufacturing tolerances of the bushings)

Legacy #1 = 0.405, PSI = 0.407 (only ²⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Legacy #2 = 0.405, PSI = 0.405 (Identical)
Legacy #2 = 0.424, PSI = 0.426 (only ²⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Legacy #3 = 0.357, PSI = 0.360 (only ³⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Good Luck,

PS. PSI also sells PKMONT-BUX which is a "Sizing Sleeve Bushing Set". It essentially replaces the center band and is used to make turning to the proper dimensions for the body and tenon easier. Since the dimensions between Legacy and PSI look so close, this might be worth a try in addition to the PKMONT-BU bushings. Most of the reviews were very positive and said it helped quite a bit. The reviews also provide a little better insight as to how it works.

PSS. I think Turner's Warehouse may have the same bushings as Craft Supplies for the Euro kit if you want to go for the exact match. - Dave
Excellent reply, David!

And thanks for the dimensions on the Legacy bushings for that kit. I will update our info on the Classic Euro kit in the Bushings & Tubes App accordingly.
Excellent reply, David!

And thanks for the dimensions on the Legacy bushings for that kit. I will update our info on the Classic Euro kit in the Bushings & Tubes App accordingly.

I took the Legacy Euro dimensions off of Amazon. Here is the screen capture: - Dave

Legacy Euro Bushings 1.JPG
Legacy Euro Bushings 2.JPG
Hi Bill and Greetings from Nebraska!

I am assuming that the kits you are talking about are manufactured by "Legacy Woodturning" which is one of the common brand sold by Craft Supply. If so, I found a reference to the bushing dimensions that look like the following:

Bushing #1 = 0.405 inches (Cap)
Bushing #2 = 0.405 inches and 0.424 inches (stepped center bushing)
Bushing #3 = 0.357 inches (Nib)

You should be able to confirm by measuring the parts of the kit that would mate up with the turned blank. (Except for the 0.405 dimension on the center bushing as the blank gets turned to the diameter of the center band with a tenon turned down to the 0.405 dimension).

According to information I found, a relatively close match would be the PKMONT-BU bushings from PSI. Here is the comparison of the nominal dimensions according to the spec. sheets between Legacy and PSI: (Note: The minor differences of a couple of thousandths of an inch are probably well within the manufacturing tolerances of the bushings)

Legacy #1 = 0.405, PSI = 0.407 (only ²⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Legacy #2 = 0.405, PSI = 0.405 (Identical)
Legacy #2 = 0.424, PSI = 0.426 (only ²⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Legacy #3 = 0.357, PSI = 0.360 (only ³⁄₁₀₀₀ of an inch larger)

Good Luck,

PS. PSI also sells PKMONT-BUX which is a "Sizing Sleeve Bushing Set". It essentially replaces the center band and is used to make turning to the proper dimensions for the body and tenon easier. Since the dimensions between Legacy and PSI look so close, this might be worth a try in addition to the PKMONT-BU bushings. Most of the reviews were very positive and said it helped quite a bit. The reviews also provide a little better insight as to how it works.

PSS. I think Turner's Warehouse may have the same bushings as Craft Supplies for the Euro kit if you want to go for the exact match. - Dave
Hi Dave,
Wow. Great information. I will get busy and order the bushings that you listed and let the turning begin.
Thanks again.

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