Looking back

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Oct 1, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
I was thinking about 9/11 today (since I was born on the 12th). Do you remember where you were and what you were doing? I thought it would be an interesting question to present. If anyone is offended I am sorry.
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Actually, yes. I was watching CNBC. When they reported on the first plane, it was an "accident-a small plane hit the world trade center". As time went by, they started to see the size of the hole and question what kind of plane. Then, the second one hit.

Terrorists lost their surprise element that day. I sure hope we don't take away all the power of the CIA or EVERYTHING could be a surprise. (This is not directed at any political party---just let our spies spy, please)
I was in Vegas visiting a friend. Unfortunately, he was in South Dakota for a wedding and couldn't get back until the day I was supposed to leave. My flight didn't go out so we got to spend a couple of days together.

On the afternoon of the 12th, fire trucks, police cars, ambulances and other emergency workers had a parade down Las Vegas Blvd in honor of the men & women that were lost. It was an amazing site.
I had just woken up to go to work and was watching the news when the first plane hit , within minutes the news broke and instead of leaving for work I waited and I watched in horror as the second plane hit . I lost several friends that day .
I hope we never forget what they did to us that day and we continue the hunt for anyone who would even think of trying something like that again . There is no place in this world for anyone who could do such a terrible thing to Innocent people .
I was at work. My wife and I were to leave 2 days later for China to adopt our first daughter. We still made it to China, a little late though and we got our daughter home safe. Probably the safest time to fly ever.

I agree with Ed above about the spy game. Without them we wouldn't know anything.

I was on the phone talking to a customer on Long Island when she received a call on another line from her daughter telling her to turn on the TV.
My wife was due to leave Penn Station, NYC at 11 AM that day. When the city shut down she had to extend her stay for 3 more days before she was able to board a train to come home to Fla.
Me- I sat watching the TV for the rest of the day. Took a week to find out the fate of relatives and friends that worked in the Trade Center or as police and fireman. Luckily all surrvived.
Was already at work mounting tires before my workers got there watching the TV through the glass. I was kinda numb for the rest of the day.
In my office when a couple of my guys came and asked if they could switch on my TV because a plane had just hit one of the towers. We all thought (were hoping) that it was an accident when, of course, the 2nd tower got hit. The TV was on, and people were coming in and out for the rest of the day.
I was just about to leave town to go on my out of town route. I don't remember why I went back by the house after running my local stops. Anyway I went in the house and as most guys do turned on the tv,and their it was I could't get away from the tv. I was dialing the phone to tell my wife that a plane had hit the world trade center and then I saw another one hit. I just kept watching not believing what I was seeing. knowing I had to leave and go out on my route. anway I finally left . Everybody that I came in contact with that day were all the same ,very concerned and sad even tearful AMERICANS.

I was on My way to Appleton, WI from Ohio when we got the news of the 1st plane. All we could do was listen to the radio for updates. By the time we went through Chicago about 1:30 pm, the place was like a ghost town... Hardly any traffic. We continued to Pierce's fire truck plant in Appleton and by the next day, government agents had arrived to talk to the company about building Military vehicles to bolster their fleet! By our third and last day at the plant, the graphics department had created custom graphics to honor the fallen at the World Trade Center.
was in my office in California getting ready for a conference call with a sales team who were in Tower 2. Call never happened. It was a rough day.
I was headed to Topeka taking my mother to a doctors appointment. The drive is about an hour and we were only about 1/3 of the way there listening to a morning talk radio show, they had a tv in the studio and first reports were of a fire in one of the towers, as things progressed we couldn't wait to get to a tv. Just like Bill said when we hit Topeka it was like a ghost town.
I was sitting on the couch watching TV enjoying the first of 6 weeks leave that I had coming to me. I got up, showered, put on my uniform and drove to the base for redeployment.
I was sitting in my office listening to the radio when it was reported about the first plane. I went to are break room and stood watching the news for a bit. Went to my office and couldnt work. Went back out to the break room and as soon as turned the corner they had the live feed that showed the second plane. My boss (owner of the company) came out and told us all to go home in honor of all the people lost.
I'm not sure where I was when the first plane hit. When I went into the building at the university, I noticed an unusually large number of people watching CNN on the tv display in the hallway near my office. I stopped to see what was going on and saw the first tower on fire. As I watched, the other plane hit the second tower. As you can image, we didn't make much progress in class that day due to the discussion on the event.
I was at work. We heard about it and then found an internet news feed just before the 2nd on hit. I worked in a nuclear power plant at the time. Security sure got kicked up a few notches after that.
Actually, yes. I was watching CNBC. When they reported on the first plane, it was an "accident-a small plane hit the world trade center". As time went by, they started to see the size of the hole and question what kind of plane. Then, the second one hit.

Terrorists lost their surprise element that day. I sure hope we don't take away all the power of the CIA or EVERYTHING could be a surprise. (This is not directed at any political party---just let our spies spy, please)

Ditto......I was visiting my mother in Sycamore, Illinois and was scheduled to fly back on the 14th. I got home on the 24th. Four, 6hr days sitting at Midway, Chicago. The 5th was the charm. I mailed all my luggage home. Walked on the plane with a wallet and a ticket. I wasn't going to take any chances with security. I just wanted to get home to Denver.


I was working offshore and waiting for our crew change helicopter in the morning when 9/11 took place. And still today we allow anyone from overseas to enter the USA.
9-11 My wifes b-day and we were at my Dr's. office watching it on tv. The Dr. could not understand why my blood presure was so high. As a police officer those were my brothers and sisters rushing into those buildings to save lives. My blood pressure still goes up when I think about it.
I was teaching ROTC at the local university. I was getting ready for class to start when one of the cadets came in and told me a plane had hit the trade center. I didn't believe him at first but turned on the radio to hear the reports. I cancelled class and went up to the main campus to see what was on the TV and got there just as the 2d plane hit.
From Canada

I was in Ottawa, our nation's capital for week long meetings and our meeting was interrupted with the news. The day was spent watching the news in the boardroom as we saw the towers come down.

It was unsettling to see the Parliament building shut down and all the troops in the streets right after it happened. Luckily our hotel was downtown and we could still get around.

What will stand out the most for us though is the sight of flowers, cards, candles, and mementos placed on and around the fence at the US Embassy. We walked their daily and watched it grow until it overflowed.

This was culminated by the memorial service held at the end of the week on the grounds of Parliament with over 100,000 in attendance.

We will never forget.
I was at work and missed the first plane hitting.

We were watching the news when the second plane hit. It was quite shocking.

The owners called from Chicago about an hour later wanting to know if we could mobilize some guys to go work in the area on any possible restoration work. I'da been fired if I was part of that phone call.
We had planned to go to New York for my wifes birthday (9/11) but plans changed and decided to go to New Orleans with friends instead. On the morning of, we had an early breakfast with the whole family at a local restaurant before loading up the car and heading north. When we got home to load up I clicked on the tv and saw what was happening, called my wife to the tv and just as she got there the second plane hit. We were in total shock, as was the rest of the nation. Needless to say as we discussed what our plans had been, it sent chills down our spine. That day would have been sight seeing day which would have included a trip to the top of the North Tower. There was no way we could go our vacation now. We stayed home, gathered our family, and cried together as we watched the towers go down in slow motion. A sad day indeed for us and the country, we will never forget.
I was installing cabinets in a house in Flemming Island. I can still remember which house it was. I was working with a friend and we spent most of the day listening to the radio and trying to get the install done. Needless to say we didn't finish. I only saw the TV footage that evening.
I remember that day like it was yesterday. Do you remember looking across the water seeing all the smoke. I had a doctors appointment for my shoulder that morning in manhatten. My doc called the day before to say he was going to be out of town and he had to reschedule.

Horrible day. I know people who were there.

I remember driving into the city 3 days later to go to my doctor and it was like a ghost town. I went through the lincoln tunnel without having to slow down, no traffic, and not one smile for miles. Smoke was still in the air and the smell was like something you would read about in a book.

Sorry for the rant.

I had just woken up to go to work and was watching the news when the first plane hit , within minutes the news broke and instead of leaving for work I waited and I watched in horror as the second plane hit . I lost several friends that day .
I hope we never forget what they did to us that day and we continue the hunt for anyone who would even think of trying something like that again . There is no place in this world for anyone who could do such a terrible thing to Innocent people .
Sendai, Japan....11:30 or so...just before bed. Live footage... just after the first plane.....Japanese news confused as to what was going on....I thought it was fiction.....then plane #2......silence...
On duty in Dallas (Police) and went to break room for a cup of coffee just after the first plane hit. Our office was in the middle of downtown and right on the landing path of Dallas Love Field. When second plane hit, downtown became a ghost town. By the time the 4th plane hit we were sure that nothing would EVER be the same again. NOT a day I ever want to experiance again.
Was just getting out of the shower when my wife told me an airplane hit the WTC. Was watching the live feed as I was putting on my uniform and watched the second plane hit. Hauled tail into work and about half way there the wife called and said a bomb went off at the Pentagon. Got into work and saw that it was a plane that hit the Pentagon. At the time I was stationed at the main communications center on the West Coast for the Coast Guard. I had my crews sweep the antenna fields as we locked down the facility and posted guards at the access roads. The message traffic was flying increasing security postures. Was horrified when I saw the towers fall. The drive home 10 hours later was a very long one, and was grateful/saddened/patriotic (very hard to describe) to see flags in peoples yards flown at half mast. When I got home, I started to breakdown, until I saw the scared look on my son's face and I recovered. Took a long time to get over the events of that day, and I still hate to watch replays of those events.

I was watching FNC when the report came and I watched as the second plane hit. I was doing some adjunct teaching at the time at a local community college. That was the day of our first test. I was numb most of the day.
I was sleeping after having worked a double shift the night before. My dad rushed in and woke me up from my 30 minute nap frantic because he couldn't get ahold of my mother who was in NYC on business. Went to lunch with a friend who was supposed to leave for Basic Training that afternoon. He was delayed for over a month while they decided what to do with all the new recruits. Last quarter of college classes for me were supposed to start that day as well. Classes were cancelled due to campus being within spitting distance of the AFB.

I remember driving past the local municipal air field and seeing the swat team guarding the building with M-16s, a really scary sight I will never forget. People were also rushing and buying up all the gas and bottled water.

We also had a sonic boom that evening from a jet. Reports were coming in on the local news that it had crashed out at the VA center, but that was just a brush fire. We never did find out where that jet was going with such haste.
I was flying that morning. After the second and third plane were crashed they ordered all fights to land ASAP. I was lucky to get a rental car and drove the rest of the way home. I walked by the Trade centers two weeks later. It made a lasting impression on me. The smell is something that I can still recall like it is still present.

Bush should have marched a thousand people past the site from every state to bear witness. I for one do not care how they obtain information to prevent the next attack. Water board or sand board them. I do not care. Every person who died that day and their entire family does not care. Only the gutless elected official seem to care. Bush was right, this is a war that will last years and years. Be ready for it or you will loose.
I guess I should add mine. Thanks for the interesting inputs. I was still in the Navy at the time. We were on the USS Carney floating in the Mayport basin preparing to go out to play war games off shore. We were at sea and anchor detail, bringing in the lines to leave when the towers were hit. Needless to say our schedule changed very quickly. Spent the next week and a half crusing up and down the east coast looking for any more dangerous aircraft. God bless them all!
I was sitting in a tree stand bow hunting. The phone in my pack started buzzing. It was my wife telling me the news. Now when ever I play with the bow I think of all those people and their loved ones.
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