Long time gone

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Mar 23, 2008
Lascassas, TN, USA.
Hi everyone!

I've been out of pocket, and out of the workshop for much of the last year. It is in a leaky, drafty basement, and when really cold weather hits, i have yet to figure out how to heat it without a danger of fire, especially with sanding dust. And then my dad fell and broke his hip in February, and subsequently passed on, after a number of weeks. I feel i have spent every other weekend in TX, between dad and a family wedding. But I got my tail to a peppermill class this last week, and am slowly getting back inot the shop. I splurged, and bought a jaw chuck for my lathe while I was there.

Dusty, thanks for remembering my birthday!

So, I am still around, just kind of side tracked for a bit. I'll likely be more off than on for a while yet, but as we all know, making chips and sawdust is theraputic!

Good to see some more newbies, and I'll be looking forward to catching up!

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Hi Val,
Hope things settle down and start afresh again for you. Seems everything comes at once but one step forward even if they are little. Nice to see more women in here!
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