Product Reviews Manager
About a week ago, I got home from work and found the door to my Jeep open, I didn't think much of it at the time, figured one of the kids were fooling around in it. I went to go someplace and found my GPS was not where I left it, I was a little pissed to say the least. I know that there have been a rash of breakins around the neighborhood, but I never figured anyone would come here. I put up some flyers around the neighborhood offering a $5000 reward for the return of my $200 GPS and the name of the person who took it. I went out just now to get my mail and sitting in my mailbox was my GPS. Noone came foward to collect the reward or to give me a name, so I can only conclude that the thief has seen the light and wanted to return it anonymously. Smart move on his part, someone would have turned him in sooner or later.