LINK to Iraqi trees

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Jan 22, 2008
Ramstein AB, Germany
I have been searching the web for two days now for a site that shows me what kind trees grow around here in Iraq specifically Baghdad. I am looking at getting a smaller band saw just to cut up a bunch of the wood out here that is lying around to make some blanks to send back. I am pretty sure I won't have a problem with getting it through customs and such...just let them know what it is for....honesty is always the best policy. I would just like to know what the trees are before I start to cut the logs up. I know there are the date palms around here...and they are plentiful...someone actually hit on the other day with a vehicle taking it out. Ahh what I wouldn't give for a chainsaw out here. So much wood everywhere. I just think since I am over here, I might as well take advantage and get some wood for myself and some of you if you are intersted. I just would like someone to let me know what there is over here. Please help...thanks
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Brant's Oak (Quercus brantii )
Dyer's oak (quercus infectoria)
Lebanon oak (quercus libani)
Prickly Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus)
Pistachio (Pistacia mutica)
Pear (Pyrus syriaca)
Hawthorn (Cratoegus azarolus)
Montpelier maple (Acer monspessulanum)
Purple willow (Salix purpurea)
Oriental plane (Platanus orientalis)
Euphrates Poplar (Populus euphraca)
Walnut (Juglans regia)
Turkish pine (Pinus brutia )

There are probably others.
get some wood for myself and some of you if you are intersted.

I'd be brother-in-law flew BlackHawks over there.......brought us back a US flag that he took on would be cool to make him a pen from some nicely figured wood from over there!

Keep us posted on your finds.....

OH........and keep safe over there!!!
That wood would be a great tie in to the pens for servicemen.

Any chance the local commanding officers (In Iraq) could authorize you to send some to an air base stateside for WoodCraft or some other coodinating supplier???? If it were done correctly, we could give the pens to the guys who were stationed in Bagdad, when they come back home!!!
I'm sure that bullet pens pens made with wood from Iraq would be fairly popular with military who had served in this war. Just a thought...

Jim Smith
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