I have been searching the web for two days now for a site that shows me what kind trees grow around here in Iraq specifically Baghdad. I am looking at getting a smaller band saw just to cut up a bunch of the wood out here that is lying around to make some blanks to send back. I am pretty sure I won't have a problem with getting it through customs and such...just let them know what it is for....honesty is always the best policy. I would just like to know what the trees are before I start to cut the logs up. I know there are the date palms around here...and they are plentiful...someone actually hit on the other day with a vehicle taking it out. Ahh what I wouldn't give for a chainsaw out here. So much wood everywhere. I just think since I am over here, I might as well take advantage and get some wood for myself and some of you if you are intersted. I just would like someone to let me know what there is over here. Please help...thanks