Let's ALL say Hi!

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Aug 22, 2006
Pilot Mountain, NC
Can't figure it out. When I read the Introductions forum I see this:
"Replies-15" ---"Read-150". Come on, if you have the time to read it you have the time to type the word "HI".Let's ALL help make the new members feel welcomed.
Just a thought.
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I have had the same thought about how many read the introduction and very few reply to the new folks. I just figured those that don't say "Hello" might be kinda shy. It goes both ways too. There are those that 'join' and don't introduce themselves, and there are those that join and don't complete their profile.

And then there are those that don't do anything at all... [:0]
Did I help the post count? (I won't go back and check and add one to the views...) I know I did successfully get it onto the second page...[:D][:D][:D] (And I helped my own post count in the process... I just checked and I finally passed that airrat! Watch out Billy, I'm closing in!)
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