Layoffs at work

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jack barnes

Aug 5, 2005
Springfield, Ma.
Last Tuesday the production manager anounced that the company was going to layoff 10 or 11% of the work force, the layoffs would be affective as of the 5th of Jan. Since then it's like their on some kind of power trip and didn't stop there, every day more get it. As I said before I'm a person that says whats on my mind. I told the manger I can understand the need for layoffs but I thought they could have waited until after Christmas and New Years as not to completely spoil everyones Christmas. He said he didn't agree, thought it was better to know sooner then later. Would you want to know now or later?

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I would rather know sooner so I didn't blow a bunch on Christmas and not be able to pay bills the next month.

The announced at my work that they are looking at the option of transferring all of us, but won't tell us until the end of January. I would have rather not known that until it happens. Now we sit and worry about where we are going and the rumor mill is vicious.
At the Steel Mill I work at, we were notified on Monday November 17th that our plant was going to be idled beginning Saturday the 22nd of November for an indefinite period of time. Talk about notice. Of course our contract states things a little different than that, so now it is in the attorney's hands as we wait for arbitration and hope we get back to work soon.
People don't understand how the Automotive industry affects more people than just people that make and sell cars. Our mill supplies GM, Ford and Chrysler with steel for their automobiles. Be it for frames, fire walls, door panels, fenders and so on and so on.
Hope all goes well Jack for you and the rest of the people you work with. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Hi Jack;
been there done that. Yeah; letting people know sooner does help them plan a little better, but it also VERY stressful not knowing if you are one of the 10 to 11%. Most of the time there are legal issues that require advance notification.
It seems to always happen around the holidays. When I was with HP we had lay offs every year at Christmas time after the Compaq purchase.
Yes, I would want to know sooner, as mentioned so that I wouldn't spend a bunch of money on Christmas also gives me time to get the resume ready. Its an emotional roller coaster; best advice, when one door closes others open, just don't be so focused on the one that is closing that you miss those that open.
I'm with Dustin, I'd want to know before I went nuts on the kids over Christmas. It almost seems cruel to let people go on with no idea over a potentially expensive Holiday.

But that's just me...

We went through the same process. I went back to work eight months ago for a cabinet shop. For the last two months every friday was lay-off day. It was a killer not know who or when you will be laid off. Two weeks ago it was my turn. Now the company has about 3 more people that they can lay-off before they close their doors. Yes I would rather know sooner then later.

My own company (Pens) is holding on. I am hoping to keep the business going at least until the economy starts to turn around.
I got laid off back in May of this year. Invited into the office of my boss's boss at 10:30 am, and the HR lady was there with him. This was May 27th, and they said that they were downsizing and my position had been eliminated. They would pay me through the end of the month (three whole days). Offered me a cab ride home if I didn't want to clean my desk out now, since my wife had our only car.

Thankfully I did get a month of severance and found a new job quickly (albeit in a different state), but talk about stress... Count me in the "know sooner" camp, though I hear what you say about not knowing if you're one of the 10% and worrying all through christmas. They'll ruin 90% of their employees christmas, but give that other 10% advance notice so they can plan for january. Tough call, but I still think I'd rather know than not.

I was just checking to see if my thinking was off the wall or not. We all have been expecting layoffs. I wasn't one that got layed off, and don't expect to in the near future. Although I understand more are coming. If I were to get layed off I'll just go ahead and retire, planned to sometime middle of next year any way, but put it on hold untill I can sell our house.

Way back in the 70's I got laid off along with about 14,000 other Machinists, Engineers, and office personnel, basically any one working on the original B-1 Bomber, we got a week's notice. I wish they had given us just a wee bit more notice.
I got canned from my last job the first day back after Christmas vacation. So, I agree, if you know sooner, just tell me sooner.

I also wonder why corporations don't ask their employees what they think. Why do only a few people have to suffer the loss of their jobs so that the rest can maintain their level of compensation? I would like to see some corporations give their employees the option of everyone taking a paycut so that they can all keep their jobs until things get better. Of course it would be up to the employees to agree to that, but I, for one, would rather work together so that we ALL can make it through this instead of someone else losing their job so that I can keep my salary where it is.

I am on the "prefer to know it sooner" camp.

Management have to take some unpopular positions/decisions but that is part of what they are being paid for. They also have to be the bearer of bad news at times like this (I don't envy them for that).
After losing a couple of jobs in the past 8 years due to "downsizing". I vote for sooner. We knew they were coming and had to plan accordingly but we still needed to adjust to the lack of finances. Fortunately both times I got back to work rather quickly.

I also would vote in favor of a decrease in pay so that someone could keep their job and not be laid off. But would the employers truly apply the money differential accordingly. There is a fair amount of deception at the top of most companies.
Don't take this wrong, but you should consider being more careful with what you say. I generally say what is on my mind too, but not to the point of jeopardizing my employment. An employer can hire or fire as they please. Again, not trying to argue with you -- I would hate for you to get laid off for complaining about someone else getting laid off.
I also wonder why corporations don't ask their employees what they think. Why do only a few people have to suffer the loss of their jobs so that the rest can maintain their level of compensation? I would like to see some corporations give their employees the option of everyone taking a paycut so that they can all keep their jobs until things get better.

Because companies are not representative democracies. They don't exist to be fair in equal terms to all employees. They exist to make money for the owners. Businesses have a lot of costs associated with employees aside from the basic compensation. Taxes, insurance, administrative overhead, benefits, just to name a few. I'm not arguing in favor of companies laying people off, but that's just the way it is. I've been laid off before, and I know how hard it is, but I think it's unrealistic to think that companies should take a survey to see how the employees want to handle cut-backs.
The way this economy is going this lay off thing has gotten out of control. It is sad that a country like ours has so many lay offs. I am in business for myself and that sometimes has its ups and downs but I do feel for all those who get the notice of lay off. My best to all who are having these difficult things to deal with. Good luck
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